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MagicMirror² module used to connect to a local Pentair ScreenLogic pool controller system.


  1. Navigate into your MagicMirror's modules folder and execute git clone
  2. cd MMM-ScreenLogic
  3. Execute npm install --production to install the node dependencies.
  4. Add the module inside config.js placing it where you prefer.


Option Type Description Default
coldTemp Integer Show the temperature colored blue if it's at or below this level for pool/spa (requires option colored). This is in whatever scale your system is set to (Fahrenheit/Celsius). 84
colored Boolean Whether you'd like colored output or not. true
columns Integer How many columns to use to display the data before starting a new row. 3
contentClass String The CSS class used to display content values (beneath the header). "light"
controls Array List of controls to show buttons for. Must also set showControls to true.

Each entry in this list is an object with a type string property and a name string to display.

Valid types:
"circuit" - toggle a circuit on or off. Must also have an id number property defining the circuit ID to set (see node-screenlogic documentation for circuit IDs). name is an optional string; if not specified, the name of the equipment in the ScreenLogic system will be used.
"heatmode" - enable or disable the heater for the pool or spa. Must also have a body number property that defines which body to toggle the heater for (0 is the pool, 1 is the spa). Can optionally have a heatMode number property that defines which heat mode to set; if not present, defaults to 3 ("heat pump").
"heatpoint" - set the heat temperature for the pool or spa. Must also have a body number property that defines which body to set the heat point for (0 is the pool, 1 is the spa)
hotTemp Integer Show the temperature colored red if it's at or above this level for pool/spa (requires option colored). This is in whatever scale your system is set to (Fahrenheit/Celsius). 90
serverAddress String The IPv4 address of a ScreenLogic unit to connect to. If not set, the system will search for a unit to connect to. If set, serverPort must also be set.
serverPort Integer The port of a ScreenLogic unit to connect to (usually 80). If not set, the system will search for a unit to connect to. If set, serverAddress must also be set.
showControls Boolean Whether you'd like to show buttons for controlling pool equipment. Must also setup the controls array. false
showFreezeMode Boolean Whether you'd like to show a banner when the pool is in freeze mode or not. [added in v1.0.1] true
showOrp Boolean Whether you'd like to show ORP level or not. true
showPH Boolean Whether you'd like to show pH level or not. true
showPHTankLevel Boolean Whether you'd like to show how much pH balancer is in the tank or not. Only functions if showPH is also on. true
pHTankLevelMax Boolean If showPHTankLevel is enabled, this is the maximum value that the system returns for a full tank. My systems has this always set to 6, but maybe it differs based on what type of pH balancer you're using. 6
showPoolTemp Boolean Whether you'd like to show pool temperature or not. true
showSaltLevel Boolean Whether you'd like to show salt level (in PPM) or not. true
showSaturation Boolean Whether you'd like to show saturation/balance or not. true
showSpaTemp Boolean Whether you'd like to show spa temperature or not. true

Here is an example of an entry in config.js

    module: 'MMM-ScreenLogic',
    header: 'Pool info',
    position: 'top_left',
    config: {
        showSpaTemp: false,
        columns: 2,
        contentClass: 'thin',
        showControls: true,
        controls: [
            {type: 'circuit', id: 500},
            {type: 'circuit', id: 505, name: 'Pool'},
            {type: 'heatmode', body: 0, name: 'Pool heater'},
            {type: 'heatpoint', body: 0, name: 'Pool'},
            {type: 'heatmode', body: 1, heatMode: 2, name: 'Spa heater'},


With color

Screenshot with color


Pull requests are very welcome! If you'd like to see any additional functionality, don't hesitate to let me know.

This module only works with ScreenLogic controllers on the local network via either a UDP broadcast on or a direct connection if you've specified an address and port in the configuration.

The data is updated when the pool equipment sends an update (which typically happens 0-10 seconds after anything changes), and direct updates are requested after any control is toggled/changed.

When toggling a circuit or changing heat mode, sometimes other circuits are affected. For example, some pools share the same pump for the pool and spa, so when the pool is toggled on the spa must be toggled off. Unfortunately the ScreenLogic system doesn't update its internal status at any predictable rate, so the data on the screen can be wrong immediately after toggling a circuit until the next periodic update runs. If you know of a reliable way around this, please open a pull request!


This uses a Node.JS library I created for interfacing with ScreenLogic controllers over the network: node-screenlogic, so feel free to check that out for more information.