To get started, install the necessary Shadcn components by running the following commands in the terminal:
npx shadcn-vue@latest add button
npx shadcn-vue@latest add input
npx shadcn-vue@latest add command
npx shadcn-vue@latest add popover
To format the number, install the vMaska library:
npm install maska
yarn add maska
pnpm install maska
bun add maska
In your components
folder, create a new subfolder called phone
. Then add a file called PhoneInput.vue
and insert the following code:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import {
} from "@/components/ui/command";
import { Popover, PopoverContent, PopoverTrigger } from "@/components/ui/popover";
import FlagCountry from "./FlagCountry.vue";
import { CaretSortIcon, CheckIcon } from "@radix-icons/vue";
import { countriesByContinent, type ICountry } from "./countries";
import { vMaska } from "maska";
const props = defineProps<{
modelValue?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
defaultCountry?: string;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:modelValue", value: string): void;
const allCountries = computed(() => countriesByContinent);
const open = ref(false);
const phoneNumber = ref(props.modelValue || "");
const languageToCountry: Record<string, string> = {
"pt-BR": "BR",
pt: "BR",
"fr-FR": "FR",
fr: "FR",
"it-IT": "IT",
it: "IT",
"de-DE": "DE",
de: "DE",
"es-ES": "ES",
es: "ES",
"ja-JP": "JP",
ja: "JP",
"en-US": "US",
en: "US",
function findCountry(countryCode: string) {
const allContinents = Object.values(allCountries.value);
for (const continent of allContinents) {
const foundByCode = continent.find((country) => country.code === countryCode);
if (foundByCode) return foundByCode;
return null;
const countryCode = getCountryCodeFromLanguage(navigator?.language);
const countrySelected = ref(findCountry(countryCode));
function getCountryCodeFromLanguage(language: string): string {
return props.defaultCountry || languageToCountry[language] || "US";
function selectedCountry(data: ICountry) {
if (props.disabled) return;
phoneNumber.value = "";
countrySelected.value = data;
open.value = false;
watch(phoneNumber, (value) => {
if (props.disabled) return;
value.length === countrySelected.value?.mask.length ? value : value + "invalid"
<Popover v-model:open="open">
<div class="flex w-full items-center">
<PopoverTrigger as-child class="border-r-0" :disabled="props.disabled">
class="flex items-center gap-2 rounded-r-none"
<FlagCountry :country="String(countrySelected?.code)" />
<CaretSortIcon class="size-4.5 -mr-2 opacity-70" />
:placeholder="props.placeholder || countrySelected?.mask.replace(/#/g, '0')"
:data-maska="countrySelected ? countrySelected.mask : ''"
<PopoverContent align="start" class="w-44 p-0">
<CommandInput class="h-9" placeholder="Search country..." />
<CommandEmpty>No country found.</CommandEmpty>
<CommandList class="list max-h-56">
v-for="(countries, continent) in countriesByContinent"
v-for="country in countries"
class="flex items-center gap-3"
:class="{ 'bg-accent/30': country.code === countrySelected?.code }"
<FlagCountry :country="country.code" />
<p class="max-w-full overflow-hidden text-ellipsis text-nowrap">
{{ }}
<div v-if="country.code === countrySelected?.code" class="ml-auto">
<CheckIcon class="text-foreground" />
<CommandSeparator v-if="continent !== 'North America'" />
Now, create a file called FlagCountry.vue
in the phone
folder and add the following content:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue';
interface Props {
country: string;
countryName?: string;
const props = defineProps<Props>();
const flagUrl = computed(() => {
return `${}.png`;
<span class="flex h-3.5 w-5 overflow-hidden rounded-[2px] bg-foreground/20">
:alt="\`Flag of \${}\`"
class="h-3.5 w-5"
Now let's add the JSON that contains the country information and corresponding phone formatting. To do this, create a file called countries.ts
type Continent = "Africa" | "Asia" | "Europe" | "Oceania" | "South America" | "North America";
export interface ICountry {
code: string;
name: string;
ddd: string;
mask: string;
const countries: Record<Continent, ICountry[]> = {
Africa: [
{ name: "Algeria", ddd: "+213", code: "DZ", mask: "+213 ### ### ###" },
{ name: "Angola", ddd: "+244", code: "AO", mask: "+244 ### ### ###" },
// Other countries...
// Other continents...
function sortCountriesByName(countries: ICountry[]): ICountry[] {
return countries.slice().sort((a, b) =>;
const countriesByContinent = Object.keys(countries).reduce(
(sorted, continent) => {
const continentKey = continent as Continent;
sorted[continentKey] = sortCountriesByName(countries[continentKey]);
return sorted;
{} as Record<Continent, ICountry[]>
export { countriesByContinent };
Finally, to export the PhoneInput.vue
component, create a file called index.ts
inside the phone
export { default as PhoneInput } from './PhoneInput.vue';