This is a toolbox for scouts to organize their work.
It works with a ldap and a mysql databse in the backgroung. At the moment it provides following features:
- User management (show, add, del, modify)
- Event management
- Provide feedback
- Group management (show)
To setup a working scotoobo version you can use the docker images.
Download the docker-compose.yml
and run docker-compose up
in the same directory.
You can edit the configuration by setting the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml
If you don't scotoobo will fallback to test related default values.
After you started the app for the first time go into the container by executing: sudo docker exec -it pbnldocker_php_1 bash
Replace pbnldocker_php_1
with the name of the container. Then go into the app directory and execute
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
to create/update the sql database.
Noe you have to clear, warm up the cache and create the assets. Execute
composer run-script post-install-cmd --no-interaction --no-dev
in the same directory to do this for an productive environment.
The system requires some groups in the ldap:
, elder
, nordlichter
, stavo
, wiki
, admin
The stamm of an user is detected by the ou (of the ldap) he was placed in. So make sure that
this folders are spelt correctly.
Thats it. Now you have a working scotoobo installation.
We used some nice libs for our work:
- Bootstrap
- Symfony
- Tablesorter
- Feedback.js
- Html2canvas
- password-generator Bermi Ferrer
- Imageviewer
- Re-Captcha Thanks for their work!