A generic implementation of Approximate Bayesian Computation methods, including a parallel version based on the multiprocessing module.
A frontend to the sampler is provided. All you need to provide is a python module exposing functions:
prior_r(hparams) return a sample @params@ from the prior
statistics_r(params) return a sample of the statistics (should be a dictionary, like @{'avg': 1.02, 'std': 0.201}@
load_params(filename) return the hyperparameters read from filename. Will be passed to prior_r untouched.
load_data(filename) return the data summary read from filename. Will be used to compute distances
format(param) return the string representation of the parameter for output
The sampler comes in two flavor: a non-parallel version (in module ABC.py), mostly meant for educational purposes, and a parallel version (in module ABCmp.py). Both interfaces are mostly identical.
The main class is ABC.ABCSampler (ABCmp.ABCmp respectively). Its constructor takes references to the functions @prior@ and @statistisc@ above. Optionally, a custom distance function can also be used.
If these functions are available from a single module user_module, then a simple code like would do the job:
from user_module import some_function as f_prior
from user_module import some_other_function as f_model
from user_module import yet_another_function as f_summarize
import ABC
# Load your data
data = ...
abc = ABC.ABCSampler( data,
res = abc.sample(nsamples, acc_ratio)