So, you want to write an interpreter for your own Domain Specific Language (DSL), in Haskell... Then, clone H-Calc and start editing it. H-Calc is a showcase of some of the best Haskell technologies to write a DSL interpreter, showing you that you can :
- parse source code in your DSL with ease, and build the corresponding Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), thanks to megaparsec (tutorial)
- start with a simple interpreter for the core features of your DSL, then add extensions in a modular way (each new feature in its own Haskell module), thanks to Extensible Algebraic Datatype (EADT) (doc) (see an Introduction below)
- transform the AST efficiently, without boilerplate, thanks to Recursion-scheme (tutorial)
- embed your DSL in Haskell, thanks to RebindableSyntax
- easily use the best functions and libraries of Haskell, thanks to Relude1
- easily format values into Text string, using Fmt
- organize your test suite, thanks to HSpec, with hspec-discover
- automatically run your test suite as soon as you save a program file, provided it has no error, thanks to Ghcid
H-Calc is a toy example, a calculator that can add integers or floats. It also supports multiplication by repeated additions: it transforms n*a
into a+a+...
(n times), after applying the distribution rule recursively: a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c
. n
must be a positive integer.
2 * (3 + 4) -> ((2 * 3) + (2 * 4)) -> ((3 + 3) + (4 + 4)) -> 14
The evaluation pipeline has these steps:
- parse the text containing the formula into the AST
- annotate the AST with type information, and report any type error
- transform the AST in several "nanopass"
- finally evaluate the simplified AST to get the desired result
- Install Stack
- clone H-Calc from github to a directory on your machine
- go to that directory
dir> stack build
dir> stack install ghcid
To automatically run Main.hs whenever your program changes:
dir> ghcid --command="stack ghci H-Calc" --test="main"
To automatically run the test suite whenever your program changes:
dir> ghcid --command="stack ghci H-Calc:lib H-Calc:spec" --test="main"
Our abstract syntax tree has the following core types of nodes, defined using recursive data constructors (tutorial):
data ValF e = ValF e Int
data FloatValF e = FloatValF e Float
data AddF e = AddF e (e, e)
We also have a node to represent an error detected when interpreting an H-Calc formula.
data HErrorF e = HErrorF e Text
The first data element of each constructor will contain some annotations, and the second will contain the arguments. Annotations are represented as a chain of annotation nodes. The simplest annotation node is EmptyNote
; another annotation node will contain the data type of the node (TInt or TSFloat).
data EmptyNoteF e = EmptyNoteF
data TType = TInt | TFloat
data TypF e = TypF e TType
To facilitate the creation and handling of nodes, the haskus-utils package proposes the eadtPattern
eadtPattern 'ValF "Val"
eadtPattern 'FloatValF "FloatVal"
eadtPattern 'AddF "Add"
eadtPattern 'EmptyNoteF "EmptyNote"
eadtPattern 'TypF "Typ"
eadtPattern 'HErrorF "HError"
With this apparatus, we can now represent 1
and (1+2) :: Int
with the following formula:
one :: EADT '[EmptyNoteF, ValF]
one = Val EmptyNote 1
oneTwo :: EADT '[EmptyNoteF, ValF, AddF, TypF]
oneTwo = Add (Typ EmptyNote TInt) (Val EmptyNote 1, Val EmptyNote 2)
The first line declares the types of nodes used in the AST. The second line constructs the various nodes of the tree representation.
We can easily extend what our trees can represent by adding new types of nodes, for example a multiplication:
data MulF e = MulF e (e, e)
eadtPattern 'MulF "Mul"
mulTwo :: EADT '[EmptyNoteF, ValF, MulF]
mulTwo = Mul EmptyNote (Val EmptyNote 2, Val EmptyNote 1)
We can now define various algebra on our recursive data types, i.e. various functions to evaluate our tree to a fixed data type. For example, showAST
is a function to evaluate our tree as a Text value.
showAST :: EADT xs -> Text
Some algebra are extensible, tree-wide transformations: as new types of nodes are added, new definitions are required. To do that, we use Class
and instance
class Algebra (f :: * -> *) where
showAST' :: f Text -> Text
-- add your algebra declaration here
-- (additional code not shown for clarity. See Transfos.hs)
showAST = cata showAST'
instance Algebra AddF where
showAST' (AddF α (v1,v2)) = "(" <> v1 <> " + " <> v2 <> ")" <> α
is a function for catamorphism, from the recursion-scheme package. (ShowAST
could also be implemented without it) Check the source code for the instances of showAST'
for the other node types.
The eval
function is another algebra, from AST tree to Result.
data Result
= RInt Int
| RFloat Float
| RError Text
is NOT supposed to be extensible: it accepts only a limited set of tree nodes. Trees with other types of nodes will have to be simplified before being evaluated (see below). For such non-extensible algebra, we define how to interpret each type of node using anonymous functions, called "continuations" (see Interpreter.hs):
eval :: EADT '[HErrorF, EmptyNoteF, ValF, FloatValF, AddF] -> Result
eval l = eadtToCont l >::>
( \(HErrorF _ t) -> RError t
, \(EmptyNoteF) -> RError "can't evaluate empty expression"
, \(ValF _ i) -> RInt i
, \(FloatValF _ f) -> RFloat f
, \(AddF _ (v1,v2)) ->
case (eval v1, eval v2) of
(RInt v1', RInt v2') -> RInt (v1'+v2')
(RFloat v1', RFloat v2') -> RFloat (v1'+v2')
(RError e, _) -> RError e
(_, RError e) -> RError e
(a,b) -> RError $ "Error in eval(" <> show a <> "+" <> show b <> ")"
Often, you want to enrich a tree with some annotations, for example to add the data type of each sub-tree. To expand the capability of a tree, use appendEADT @'[newNodeConstructor]
one' = appendEADT @'[TypF] one :: EADT '[EmptyNoteF, ValF, TypF]
You can then fill the type using an isomorphism, i.e. a transformation from EADT xs
to EADT xs
: the list of possible nodes does not change, but the structure of the tree may very well. Again, when we want to have an extensible, tree-wide isomorphism, we'll use Class
and instance
(see Transfos.hs):
class Isomorphism xs (f :: * -> *) where
getAnnotation :: f (EADT xs) -> EADT xs
setType' :: f (EADT xs) -> EADT xs
-- add more isomorphisms here
setType = cata setType'
Here is the isomorphism definition for Val (see source code for more):
instance ('[TypF, ValF] :<<: xs) => Isomorphism xs ValF where
getAnnotation (ValF α _) = α
setType' (ValF α i) = Val (Typ α TInt) i
is a type operator to construct the constraint that xs
must contain TypF
and ValF
When the isomorphism is not extensible and tree-wide (i.e. it requires no new definition for new types of nodes) you should use continuations. This is the case when we want to apply the distributivity rule on the tree (C_Mul.hs):
-- apply distribution : a*(b+c) -> (a*b+a*c)
distribute x = case popVariantF @MulF $ unfix x of
Left other -> other & (fmap d) & liftVariantF & Fix
Right (MulF α (v1,v2)) -> go α (v1,v2)
d = distribute
go α (i, (Add β (v1,v2))) = Add β (d (Mul α (i,d v1)), d (Mul α (i,d v2)))
go α ((Add β (v1,v2)), i) = Add β (d (Mul α (d v1,i)), d (Mul α (d v2,i)))
go α (v1,v2) = Mul α (d v1, d v2)
The Left branch defines a default implementation for the other types of node: just transform their children. If you want to transform more than one type of node, use splitVariantF
Another type of transformation you may want to make on your tree is to reduce the list of possible types of nodes.
For example, at some point, you'll want to remove the annotations, i.e. replace all of them by EmptyNote
. When the reduction is extensible and tree-wide, use Class
and instance
(see Transfos.hs):
class RemoveAnnotation ys (f :: * -> *) where
removeAnnotation' :: f (EADT ys) -> EADT ys
removeAnnotation = cata removeAnnotation'
-- (additional code omitted)
instance (EmptyNoteF :<: xs) => RemoveAnnotation xs TypF where
removeAnnotation' (TypF _ _) = EmptyNote
You can define a default instance implementation, e.g. for Add, Mul, Sub, using {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
-- if the type of node is in the result type, keep it as is
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} f :<: ys => RemoveAnnotation ys f where
removeAnnotation' = VF
If instead, the tree reduction is not extensible and tree-wide, i.e. it transforms one type of node only, use continuations, as in demultiply
demultiply x = case popVariantF @MulF $ unfix x of
Left other -> other & (fmap d) & liftVariantF & Fix
Right (MulF α (v1,v2)) ->
case (d v1, d v2) of
(HError _ e, _) -> HError (d α) e
(_, HError _ e) -> HError (d α) e
(Val _ i1, v2') ->
if | i1 < 0 -> HError (d α) $ "Error: can't multiply by negative number " <> show i1
| i1 == 0 -> Val (d α) 0
| i1 == 1 -> v2'
| otherwise -> Add (d α) (d v2, d $ Mul α ((Val α $ i1-1), v2))
(_, Val _ _) -> d (Mul α (v2,v1))
(_, _) -> HError (d α) $ "Can't multiply by " <> showAST v1
d = demultiply
You could further extend H-Calc with the following features:
- keep track of the location of error in the source text;
- evaluate
(n times); - support
let x = expr1 in expr2
Feel free to give it a try !
(See Interpreter.README for some additional technical note on the implementation).
1: GHC comes with a set of libraries ("base"), some of which are imported by default in your program ("Prelude"). For historical reason, some choices that Prelude made are not optimal anymore. Relude is an alternative Prelude that uses Text instead of String and avoids partial functions, among other benefits.