Declare UTToastMessage in uses
uses uTToastMessage;
procedure TForm2.BtnErrorClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToastMessage.Toast(tpError,'Error','My Text'); end;
procedure TForm2.BtnInfoClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToastMessage.Toast(tpInfo,'Info','My Text'); end;
procedure TForm2.BtnSuccessClick(Sender: TObject); begin ToastMessage.Toast(tpSuccess,'Success','My Text'); end;
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ToastMessage := TToastMessage.Create(Self); end;
procedure TForm2.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(ToastMessage) then FreeAndNil(ToastMessage); end;
update by pcplayer 2024-5-12
add class var and calss function to simplified the use of this class.
So, you don't need to create it and free it. In any form of your project, just call:
TToastMessage.ToastIt(Self, tpInfo, 'Info', 'My Info');
- Add message queue;
- Add width calculate;
Add TDzHtmlText for show message to setup LineSpacing and can set the color of a part of chars in message string.
TDzHtmlText is from