A fluX version to work with Maximilian DSP library.
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "maximilian.h"
#include "sequencer.h"
#include "helpers.h"
using namespace hlp;
maxiOsc panSine;
maxiFractionalDelay delay;
maxiMix mixOut;
double stereoOutput[2];
int pan;
// maximilian's setup()
void setup(int args, char* argv[]) {
int tempo = 90;
vector<int> scale;
scale = {0,2,4,5,7,9,11}; // C major scale
// lambda expression with generative algorithm
auto f = [scale](void)->vector<int> {
static int inc = 1, oct = 2;
if (Seq::playHead%scale.size() == 0) {
oct += inc;
pan = pow(2,(int)rand(1,4)+1); // rand() helper function
if (Seq::playHead%150 == 0) {
inc *= -1;
if (oct > 4) {
inc = -1;
if (oct < 2) {
inc = 1;
// note generated is placed in a vector with the following format {midi note, velocity, duration, octave}
return {inc == 1 ? scale[Seq::playHead%scale.size()] : scale[scale.size()-1-(Seq::playHead%scale.size())],127,(int)pow(2,rand(2,4)),oct};
// fluX's Sequencer plays with synthOut timbre, the Generator notes, generated based on "scale" out of algorithm "f" at "tempo".
Seq::gen(scale, f).synthOut().start(tempo,4); //4 will be ignored, for now.
// maximilian's play()
void play(double *output) {
double in = Seq::output(); // fluX Sequencer is outputting note's frequency and that's it...
double in_delay = delay.dl(in, 0.0625, 0.33);
output[0] = in + in_delay;
output[1] = in + in_delay;