Single page application written in Javascript available on Main features include:
- Accuweather-powered weather page returning weather forecast for location of your choice, including your current location
- Latest News served by providing latest headlines with the possibility of searching for news
- Football page with football api api allowing user to check current and historic tables of all major football leagues
- Government page using PolishGovernmentApi allowing user to view latest articles and search for articles based on user query
- Clone the app:
git clone
- Install packages
npm install
- Launch development server (available on localhost:8080)
npm start
- Babel and its modules/plugins - converts ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript
- Webpack and its modules - bundles various dependencies, whether it be npm package or files created and outputs it as bundled files browser can make use of
- prettier - code formatter for speeding up development
- Bootstrap 5.0.2 - for mobile-first styling
- FontAwesome - for variety of icons used across the app
- gh-pages - for app deploy on github pages