version 0.1.1
- Coordinates coversion (HK80, HK80G, WGS84).
- OSM data download through Overpass API.
System requirement:
- Python 3
Required packages:
Method 1:
- Run the follow command.
pip install git+
Method 2:
Download the repository.
Run the following command in the downloaded directory.
python install
from hkgeo import LatLon
from hkgeo import distance, transform
# Transformation
transform.hk80g_to_hk80(836055, 832699)
# 22.43521015261264, 114.17234807490858
transform.hk80_to_hk80g(22+26/60+6.76/3600, 114+10/60+20.46/3600)
# 836055.20143992256, 832699.10613402259
transform.wgs84_to_hk80g(22.322172084, 114.141187917)
# 832592.1959246879, 820351.17784365441
# Distance
distance.vincenty(LatLon(-37, 144), LatLon(-37, 143))
# 89011.262537100483
distance.vincenty((50, 5), (58, 3))
# 899937.70573241916