Editor and shell settings inspired by http://dotfiles.github.io/
Install via:
find ~/dotfiles -type f -name '\.*' -maxdepth 1 -print | grep -v "~" | xargs -I {} echo ln -s {} $HOME/`basename $HOME/{}`
Homebrew packages:
brew install cmake rectangle tmux emacs fzf nodenv rbenv pyenv jq editorconfig
Homebrew packages to build GDAL from source:
brew install json-c libspatialite libxml2 proj@7 geos ninja openjpeg libkml libpq
brew link boost
brew link --force libpq
Python packages:
env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.0 pyenv install 3.10.6
pip install -U pip virtualenv awscliv2 gimme-aws-creds ipython ipdb numpy jedi