- docker > 20.0.0
- docker-compose
- composer
- make
- ssh autentification via key with production host
- create project folder and cd into it:
[~]$ mkdir new-project
[~]$ cd new-project
- clone git repository into current folder:
[~/new-project]$ git clone https://github.com/pegasuswerbeagentur/typo3-docker-boilerplate.git .
- set new git origin for the project to push the local repository to:
[~/new-project]$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/user/repo.git
[~/new-project]$ git push
- change default environment variable values in .env file to your needs:
- set the php version (available: 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)
- set ssh host and user of remote system
- set set database connection of remote typo3 (found in LocalConfiguration.php on remote server)
- build docker containers:
[~/new-project]$ sudo docker-compose up -d --build
- run composer installation:
[~/new-project/app]$ composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11 app
- open browser and set up TYPO3: http://localhost:8000
Create a locally running copy of the production host via ssh connection:
- rsync contents of app folder from remote to local project
- connect to remote via ssh, make datebase dump and save it to local file
- stop all running docker containers
- build and start docker containers for project
- import database into docker container
- clear cache folders
- open http://localhost:8000 in google chrome
Create a backup of the production instance (files and db):
- create backup folder named with current date, time and project name in
- connect to remote via ssh, make datebase dump and save it to local file
- zip database file
- rsync project files from remote to local backup folder
- zip files
- create typo3 database backup and save it to backup/database/db.sql
- import database from backup/database/db.sql
- create zip file of the project and save it to backup/files/project.zip while maintaining symlinks