This is a plugin for JMeter 2.9
JMETER can be downloaded from
This plugin enables you to view the formatted JSON responses
$ cd ${SRC}/com.pehrs.jmeter-json-postprocessor
$ mvn package
$ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
Copy the plugin and the dependent jackson jars to the ${JMETERHOME}/lib/ext directory
$ cp target/jmeter-json-postprocessor-*.jar ${JMETERHOME}/lib/ext
$ cp target/dependency/jackson-annotations-*.jar ${JMETERHOME}/lib/ext
$ cp target/dependency/jackson-core-*.jar ${JMETERHOME}/lib/ext
$ cp target/dependency/jackson-databind-*.jar ${JMETERHOME}/lib/ext
Just add the "JSON PostProcessor" as you would with the "Debug PostProcessor"