- Global Yarn Packages
- ganache-cli
- truffle
- graph-cli
- Docker
Start a ganache chain using as a host so docker can connect
ganache-cli -h -d -l 4294967295 --allowUnlimitedContractSize
Run a local graph node
git clone https://github.com/graphprotocol/graph-node/
Update ethereum value in docker-compose.yml to ganache:http://host.docker.internal:8545
cd graph-node/docker
docker-compose up
To blow away graph-node settings
docker-compose kill && docker-compose rm -f && rm -rf data
Clone the balancer subgraph
git clone git@github.com:balancer-labs/balancer-subgraph.git
Update factory address in subgraph.yaml to the one listed as part of the deploy
Install dependencies
Generate the graph code
yarn codegen
Create local node
yarn create:local
Deploy locally
yarn deploy:local
Any updates can be made to this repo and re-running yarn deploy:local without needing to re-initialize the environment.
Underlying Balance = AccountBond.normalizedBalance
* Market.exchangeRate
Current Profit = Underlying balance - AccountBond.principalBalance
Accrued Interest = Underlying balance + AccountBond.totalUnderlyingRedeemed
- AccountBond.totalUnderlyingSupplied