This project was originaly developed to suit the needs of a collage subject. It's a webpage that manages the workpacks, tasks and resources of a project and outputs a latex document to be handed to the professor. As a webpage, it should be installed on a server.
The project is not being supported, you may open an issue for questions or open pull requests for changes but I will not make more changes to it.
Hi developers, (follows in catalan, google translate it)
després de fer git clone
recorda fer npm install
Has de posar un fixer .env
a la carpeta principal que sigui així:
RECORDA CANVIAR per una direcció de postgres vàlida!!
Pots buscar un servei per internet o instalar postgres en local.
La url te la forma: DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/workpacks
Un cop tingis aixo configurat has executar npm run knex -- migrate:latest
Ja pots fer npm start
!! Per executar el server a localhost:3000 !! :)
You should not use, modify or distribute any contents of this repository without explicit premisson from the author. Please open an issue if you want to use this code.