A Django JWT Authentication Backend built on top of JWTConnect.io, CryptoJWT and OidcMsg.
This application made simple building a JWT based authentication system, with less as possibile endpoints involved. Its birth is due to a desire for simplification in cases where a customized system is required for the granting of authorizations to access resources. It comes with the bare minimum, it could be useful as a basis also for the production of OAuth2 AS and OIDC Providers, it would just need to add specific endpoints and further attributes in the construction of the JWT.
The main goal for this application is to provide a secure standard for JWT management and not to offer a OAuth2 or OIDC compliant server. These can be implemented on top of this app as well. This application also show us how to deal with OidcMsg and CryptoJWT in a totally free way.
At this time and as it is, jwtconnect-auth can be adopted for the following scopes:
- Third-party applications can have Access tokens and renew these, via Rest API (Django Rest framework)
- Creation of token after a user have been logged in, in cases where third-party Single SignOn systems were involved. There wouldn't be any direct submission of credentials from Application to jwtconnect-auth to obtain a token.
- Tokens could be also relased with an authentication web resource where to submit username and password, mind that this would be disabled in the field of SSO infrastructures as SAML2, you can decide how and why you should do this.
- Token creation is triggered once, independently by what kind of External Authentication happens, a django signal creates the token for authenticated users if this doesn't exist yet (signal should be enabled in your setup). The release mechanism can be completely customized, you can decide how and where the release of token to the Apps would happen, implementing it in your own.
- Tokens can be refreshed via POST method:
by default, but it's customizable in theurls.py
of your project folder. - A user can have multiple active tokens or one at time (configurable in general
). - TokenIntrospection endpoint would let third-party applications to get additional informations about a token.
The requestor must be authenticated, a valid access token must bresent in its http request headers. Params supported: token, jti.
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json; indent=4' -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"jti":"cd9db7ca7560149c543b08a8b8f03393eeb979e9c26d877f66c1fbca23a8554d"}' -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Params supported: token -> must be a valid refresh token.
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json; indent=4' -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"token":"$REFRESH_TOKEN}' -X POST
In example/
folder we have an example project usable as a demo.
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd example
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py runserver
Install this application and all its dependency
pip install git+https://github.com/peppelinux/django-jwtconnect-auth.git
Add it in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
Minimum parameters involved to get it to work, see a list of these in jwtconnect_auth/settings.py
JWTAUTH_KEY = import_private_rsa_key_from_file('certs/private.key')
JWTAUTH_CERT = import_public_key_from_cert_file('certs/public.cert')
JWTAUTH_ISSUER = 'http://localhost:8000'
add Authentication class:
# jwtconnect auth
Create RSA certificates in your desidered folders:
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -days 3650 -keyout certs/private.key -out certs/public.cert -subj '/CN=your.own.fqdn.com'
Complete list.
from cryptojwt.jwk.x509 import import_public_key_from_cert_file
from cryptojwt.jwk.rsa import import_private_rsa_key_from_file
# in seconds
# Signature features (see cryptojwt documentation)
# if symmetric: discouraged, please mind the security!
JWTAUTH_KEY = 'thatsecret'
# if asymmetric
JWTAUTH_KEY = import_private_rsa_key_from_file('certs/private.key')
JWTAUTH_CERT = import_public_key_from_cert_file('certs/public.cert')
JWTAUTH_ISSUER = 'ISSUER - service or provider name'
# include which one you want to pass in the token, the missing will be omitted
JWTAUTH_CLAIMS_MAP = dict(username = 'username',
first_name = 'given_name',
last_name = 'family_name',
email = 'email')
# indicates if a user can have multiple and concurrent active tokens or only one per time (the last overwrite the older)
cd example
./manage.py test jwtconnect_auth -v 2
cd example
pip install coverage
coverage erase
coverage run ./manage.py test jwtconnect_auth
coverage report -m
Playing with internals
from jwtconnect_auth.jwks import *
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
user = get_user_model().objects.first()
data = JWTConnectAuthTokenBuilder.build(user)
jwts = JWTConnectAuthTokenBuilder.create(data)
data would be something like:
({'iat': 1600125663,
'iss': 'http://localhost:8000',
'sub': '80327042b96b9f1c00d9d04db816e84af4e3616db1d0694b13ab86f49fd251bf',
'jti': '5069631f237a6711b950ab965666ae465aca4e7b5daa0ae783fac2e11e148fce',
'ttype': 'T',
'exp': 1600127463,
'username': 'wert',
'given_name': '',
'family_name': '',
'email': ''},
{'iat': 1600125663,
'iss': 'http://localhost:8000',
'sub': '80327042b96b9f1c00d9d04db816e84af4e3616db1d0694b13ab86f49fd251bf',
'ttype': 'R',
'jti': '064dd076bcafa7fba9a2055452d8b7d48eb5327f1aa4dffc8d1be5ffd8bb3b12',
'exp': 1600129263})
JWTs would be something like:
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOiAxNjAwMzMwNzk1LCAiaXNzIjogImh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAwMCIsICJzdWIiOiAiYmIzNjI1NDgzYmQ0M2NjZGZhODk0ZWI3YTg4MTg3ZDNlZTI2MWQ0ZmRkMmIwMDFhNzMyMGY0YTRmMzk2YmM1YyIsICJqdGkiOiAiYmJhNWI3YmM2YzMzMjhlNmFjMGM2MDYxMTdjNGFkMTIxNzdiMzljMjc4ZDM0OTE3NTQ5NzljYWRhMGRkMmRhNSIsICJ0dHlwZSI6ICJUIiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MDAzMzI1OTUsICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJjaXJvIiwgImVtYWlsIjogInRoYXRtYWlsQGluZ29hbGxhLm9yZyJ9.d_ZPZdBasemDuDEMZTkU_eCpCsrhrAvVobLdxkLZBI5E0-FLA4MJC66HxoXStUI2TXBwvqpKrcD_Je_5TNlqg7YuA-B9nUqkDPTIvUl1IwY4v4Ijyu-Trq6HNDkfnr4tYRKJqFIPzQGYnrcR_ox3-IdZQk1mveZzwwXWTnAyyA5G872jeTT0XOb8s2GBwUyS8ppT_ZstrxjpcGRcQ8YYIB7g4NAY33_BmeEFxsEbLmNrYYKR8PjskkCgiqOqtuhTaCBfBJJJ4BU07jBfUI0CjuJaLsKdAYA_HKlrH0B_hxbhF-LNvv88MtcuKD-FA76Ua3Ye8JQQqWXtCI6jYWbjPQ",
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOiAxNjAwMzMwNzk1LCAiaXNzIjogImh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAwMCIsICJzdWIiOiAiYmIzNjI1NDgzYmQ0M2NjZGZhODk0ZWI3YTg4MTg3ZDNlZTI2MWQ0ZmRkMmIwMDFhNzMyMGY0YTRmMzk2YmM1YyIsICJ0dHlwZSI6ICJSIiwgImp0aSI6ICI0ZWY3ZTM5MDIxN2I4NDE3MzUyYjA1MTM3NGQ1MGQwN2U1ZTEyYWI4OWE2ZTkzZmJhN2NlNTFhMDE3ODZlMjZjIiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MDAzMzQzOTV9.PLfPFCSqxtoVyufYNTJuD60ElW-2YG7cyKXJX6WMzgHeaYA96zCelscnfiK_RCuLkr6woZ_mbcZtI24ZIaR4pG_JE7onxCP8wg3oZE0yMGKcv5GXnWeAjx5mE3eBiIhvrZMH6Vn19prNyAuQ8Y5JCJUUeJ4QZiuYYk3TZAKAXAPoNaU1e__f7qHDmkfdBEZ7LliX5bQxkviAdfXS5VbX5CAgB1gOlgbaO4FTbtOpKoVn4YV0gfD_eV_E004JnmpGiOc5-yapE1w3-tTKTkxnfggD6TZOCm8oIZv2k3vkc1pTBIrts1inNg7EEukPdYvX6GFba3fe4FIY-p_6HBmG4A",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 1800
OidcMsg is the underlying library for doing this.
from oidcmsg.message import Message
data = dict(
# many attributes
exp=None, # timestamp representing the datetime of expiration
iat=None, # timestamp representing the datetime of creation
aud=None, # JWT is intended for, to which service have been released
iss=None, # issuer, the django backend service identifier
sid=None, # session id
sub=None, # subject, no longher than 256bytes. Opaque string that univocally identifies the user
jti=None # unique identifier for this token
msg = Message(**data)
# JWT representation (without signature)
CryptoJWT is the underlying library for doing this.
from cryptojwt.jwk.hmac import SYMKey
jws = msg.to_jwt(keys, "HS256")
# signed JWT
Build JWKs
from cryptojwt.jwk.rsa import new_rsa_key
rsa_key = new_rsa_key()
jwk = rsa_key.serialize(private=True)
# public
Import JWKs
from cryptojwt.jwk.jwk import key_from_jwk_dict
_key = key_from_jwk_dict(jwk_dict)
Import PEM
from cryptojwt.jwk.x509 import import_public_key_from_cert_file
from cryptojwt.jwk.rsa import import_private_rsa_key_from_file
public = import_public_key_from_cert_file('certs/public.cert')
private = import_private_rsa_key_from_file('certs/private.key')
# and then ...
from cryptojwt.jwk.rsa import RSAKey
rsa_key = RSAKey(priv_key=private)
Export JWKs to PEM
from cryptojwt.tools import keyconv
# public
# private
keyconv.export_jwk(rsa_key, private=True)
Sign a JWT
from cryptojwt.jwk.rsa import RSAKey
keys = [RSAKey(**jwk)]
jws = msg.to_jwt(keys, "RS256")
# signed jws
Message to Signed JWT
# with symmetric keys
jwt = msg.to_jwt(keys, "HS256")
# with asymmetric keys
jwt = msg.to_jwt(keys, "RS256")
JWT signature verification
from cryptojwt.key_jar import KeyJar
key_jar = KeyJar()
# "" means default, you can always point to a issuer identifier
key_jar.import_jwks(jwk, issuer_id="")
recv = Message().from_jwt(jws, keyjar=key_jar, key=keys)
recv.verify() # must return True