A website to manage shared resources locks using Symfony 4 and Angular 5.
Provide a way to manage limited resource access by creating an easy lock mechanism and a web dashboard.
- PHP part contains a REST webservice to manage the resource list. A single JSON file is used as persistance layer.
- Website is created using Angular 5. It provides a dashboard view and a resource details view.
- Node.JS
- Angular-cli (build/develop client side)
- PHP 7.x (server side shared management)
- Composer
- Symfony 4
You only need 4 steps :
- Run "composer install" in the php folder.
- Run "npm install" in the angular folder
- Edit the angular/assets/config.json to set the right URLs of the webservice
- Run "php -S localhost:8000 -t public/" from php folder
- Run "ng serve --open" from angular folder
- call ng -build
- copy the php folder to the production folder
- copy angular/dist contents to the public subfolder of the production folder
- edit bellow files:
- public/assets/config.json to set the right URLs of the webservice
- config/mailalert.yaml to define alert mail
- add .env.dist contents as environment variable
- public should be the web site root directory
- open the URL: http://yoursite.com/#configure to allow to configure the wanted resources
- that's all!