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Arethusa Widget

This library provides an embedded version of the Arethusa Annotation Environment. For more information, see the Arethusa GitHub repository,



yarn add arethusa-widget


npm install arethusa-widget

(See project on npm)

How to use


Running the Arethusa widget requires serving some static JavaScript and CSS files. The easiest way to do this is to link the files from node_modules to a directory in your application that serves static files:

cd path/to/static/files
ln -s path/to/node_modules/arethusa-widget/dist/arethusa ./arethusa

In the <head> of the HTML file on the page that will contain Arethusa (or for a single page app, the public HTML page) add the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/public/url/arethusa/arethusa.packages.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/public/url/arethusa/arethusa.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/public/url/arethusa/arethusa.widget.loader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.i18npath = "/public/url/arethusa/i18n/";
  window.dagred3path = "vendor/dagre-d3/dagre-d3.min.js";

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/url/arethusa/css/arethusa.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/url/arethusa/css/colorpicker.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/url/arethusa/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/url/arethusa/css/foundation-icons.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/url/arethusa/css/widget.css">

The /public/url is the base path of the page. For most applications you will probably want to change /public/url to /. If embedding in a React app, change /public/url to %PUBLIC_URL%.


In the JavaScript file where you would like to use Arethusa, import the ArethusaWrapper. The ArethusaWrapper requires an elementId, which is the id of the HTML element that will hold the treebank, a remoteUrl, which is the equivalent of /public/url/arethusa mentioned above, and a doc which is the URL of a treebank XML file.

Rendering Arethusa requires a configuration. Two ready-to-go configs are provided: defaultConfig and sidepanelConfig. You will also need to provide a sentence and (optionally) a list of words to select.

import { ArethusaWrapper, defaultConfig, sidepanelConfig } from 'arethusa-widget';

const wrapper = new ArethusaWrapper({
  elementId: 'treebank_container', // `id` of the HTML element containing the widget
  remoteUrl: `/arethusa`, // the `/public/url/arethusa`; for React it would be `process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/arethusa'`
  doc: '', // URL of the treebank

  chunk: '1', // sentence of the treebank to display
  config: defaultConfig, // this can be `defaultConfig`, `sidepanelConfig`, or a custom configuration object
  words: [1], // (optional) words to highlight; `1` highlights the first word, `2` the second word, etc.

The HTML of the page should contain a <div> with class __artsa which should itself contain a <div>. The id of this second <div> should match the elementId argument passed to new ArethusaWrapper().

<div class="__artsa">
  <div id="treebank_container" />

The following functions can be used with the instantiated wrapper once it has been rendered:

// Go to another sentence and/or highlight other words
  chunk: '2', // sentence of the treebank to display
  words: [2,3], // (optional) words to highlight; `1` highlights the first word, `2` the second word, etc.

// Return the subdoc (string) of the current sentence

// Return the morphology (object) of a particular sentence and word
// See
  chunk: '4', // sentence of the treebank to display
  wordId, // a word to select; `1` highlights the first word, `2` the second word, etc.

// Refresh the Arethusa view

// Given a chunk, word, prefix (optional), and suffix (optional), moves to the
// specified sentence and returns a list of matching words
// See
  chunk: '2', // sentence of the treebank to display
  word: 'χαῖρε', // the word to find
  prefix: 'ἀλλὰ', // (optional) prefix the preceding word or words
  suffix: 'ὦ', // (optional) suffix the following word or words

(This package is designed to be used with ES6 modules and Webpack. If you do not have that set up for your project you will need to replace the imports with the equivalent requires.)



  • Node 14.2.0
  • Yarn
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


git clone --recurse-submodules

or if the repository is already initialized

git pull --recurse-submodules

then install development dependencies

yarn install


yarn build
yarn test

Linting the code

yarn lint

Updating libraries

git submodule update --remote

Updating GitHub Pages

yarn build
yarn deploy

To run locally before publishing:

yarn demo


  • Update the version in package.json according to SemVer
  • Commit and push to GitHub
  • Add a new release with v followed by the version number as the tag and a title of the version preceded by Release. For example, if the version in package.json is 2.0.0, then the tag for the release should be v2.0.0 and the title should be Release v2.0.0. The description of the release should contain a list of changes followed by the commit of the Arethusa and Arethusa Configs repositories.
  • Run yarn build and then npm publish