R packages:
- semproducible - code generator that reproduce lavaan models
- tidysummary - create summaries of data frames
- pomotitle - generate postmodernist titles
Python packages:
- twitterbot - post RSS links to Twitter, searches for keywords to retweet
- mechanicalnews - crawls and saves articles from news sites
- pathbuilder - create paths from keywords
- redirlookup - follows URL redirects and display route
- comparefiles - find and compare file similarity
Data, books & resources:
- how-scientlists-lie - book on questionable research practices (QRPs)
- effectsizes - one hundred years of social psychology quantitatively described
- effectsizes-comm - effect sizes from 60 years of communication research
- mediacommtools - tools/resources for journalism, media, communication, computational social science
- social-science-diagrams - How to make common social science diagrams using DiagrammeR and Graphviz
- academic-article-template - pandoc templates from markdown to pdf
- pandoc - links to pandoc resources
- svensktext - svenska språkresurser för maskininlärning m.m. (se även R-paket)
- markivet - converts Retriever Mediearkivet into structured files
- faktiskt - alla faktagranskningar från Faktiskt.se