This week's project comes in the form of a text-based adventure. Classic games like this usually present the user with a description of where they are and provide several alternatives about what they can do.
- Your page should be responsive.
- Use redux to store the current state of the game.
- Focus on making the UX of your app good. Handle the response delay.
- Use thunks to wrap your API calls
- Start by briefly describing the assignment in a sentence or two. Keep it short and to the point.
We made weekly plan in figma. Wrote down what features and tasks we believed this project would contain, prioritiesed our post-its and agreed on an MVP. Made a basice design and turned it into wireframes for different devices. Started coding by breaking down the problem. (Fetch data, create reducers, a form, show next decription based on coordinates)
Technologies used:
- Redux
- fetch
- styled components
- Lottie animation
- ESLint for code formatting
- Netlify for deployment
- Git for collaboration
- Figma for planning and design
Running locally npm i npm run start And go to http://localhost:3000