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Core Components

Gulp: Build and deployment script Closure Compiler: Compiles javascript files (requires Java 7 or higher) SASS: CSS Preprocessor Metalsmith: Static website generator Docker: Containers for consistent runtime environments NodeJS: Application server to trigger static website builds via webhooks



  1. git clone project

  2. Install npm packages npm install

  3. Install Java 7 or higher (required by Google Closure)

  4. Install the RST and MD converter tools with Pip and create an alias rst2html to match the Dockerized installation:

     sudo easy_install pip
     sudo pip install rst2html5
     sudo pip install markdown
     ln -s /usr/local/bin/rst2html5 /usr/local/bin/rst2html

    Make sure that you actually can run rst2html and markdown_py now. If you get a UTF-8 error, you may need to set the following environment variables:

     export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
     export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

    NOTE: You shouldn't assume that the tools installed locally into development environment produce same output as the Dockerized version. For reliable testing, you would need to deploy from a real Docker container.

  5. (Optional for deployment) Copy and update the default config file cp config.default.js config-ENV.js (substitute ENV with either "dev", "qa", or "prod").

  6. (Optional for deployment) Edit the config-ENV.js file and fill in your credentials and configurations

    NOTE: You need all three environments configured before building the Docker image. See the project jobsite-generator-host README for more details.

  7. Install Ruby (required by SASS).

  8. Install SCSS linter by gem install scss-lint.

  9. (Optional/OSX only) Get terminal-notifier by brew install terminal-notifier from to get notifications on failed gulp watch builds.

  10. npm install -g gulp

  11. Go into project_root/lib/each_lib

npm install

  1. MacOs - brew install imagemagick Ubuntu-based system - apt-get install imagemagick

  2. Run gulp. The environment needs to be specified via the -e option or TFOX_ENV environment variable. Like: gulp -e dev

Google Analytics config

Property IDs (to be set in config-ENV.js):

  • Dev: UA-62155512-1
  • QA: UA-5362052-33

Deploying website

  • To generate and deploy the static website from your local machine manually, run gulp deploy. The environment (dev/qa/prod) needs to be specified via the -e option or TFOX_ENV environment variable:

      gulp deploy -e dev
      TFOX_ENV=dev gulp deploy
  • For AWS-deployed builds in QA or PROD: When updating contents on or Github, a webhook on POST /prismic-hook or POST /github-hook triggers a new build of the public website through the integrated NodeJS application and the corresponding gulp deploy task. The build is also triggered every 30 minutes anyway, to work around's lack of relevant webhooks.