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Latex Ph.D. thesis template for the University of Michigan

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Template for a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Michigan. The template is based on the Komascript scrbook class and is intended to be a modern, lightweight, and customizable alternative to the different rac.sty-based classes (the original rac.sty was created in 1988!). Example of complete thesis:


  • Follows Rackham requirements (open an issue or a PR if this is no longer the case)
  • List of acronyms (glossaries package)
  • List of appendices
  • Clutter-free main files
  • Easy font selection



The template works in Overleaf as of November 2018; just set the compiler to XeLaTeX in the project settings (or remove the fontspec package and use the default compiler pdfLaTeX). I don't know how tikzexternalize is handled in these environments, so the \tikzexternalize[prefix=figures_compiled/] command in preamble.tex should probably be left disabled. Any custom fonts will also have to be uploaded to overleaf.


The recommended tex environment is TexLive with a new-ish version of latexmk and koma-script v3.28 or newer.

  • On Ubuntu 20.04 the latex packages provided the official APT repositories work fine. Install all necessary packages via
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base texlive-xetex latexmk biber
  • On Ubuntu 18.04 the latex packages in APT are dated and will not work out of the box. See for the manual installation procedure.

  • For a schemes-basic TexLive install this commands installs all required CTAN packages

tlmgr install latexmk xetex fontspec biblatex biber pgf pgfplots koma-script
tlmgr install booktabs chngcntr todonotes glossaries setspace unicode-math xpatch
tlmgr install lipsum datatool mfirstuc textcase

The template can be compiled with latexmk using settings defined in latexmkrc. The default compiler is xelatex (to use pdflatex the fontspec package must be removed in preamble.tex).


Alternatively, use an environment like Sublime Text + LatexTools or VS Code + LaTeXWorkshop that uses latexmk under the hood.


The Koma-Script Bundle is highly customizable, see the Koma-Script guide for detailed descriptions.


Fonts are handled with fontspec/unicode-math and the \setmainfont{} and \setmathfont{} commands. For finer control, use the \setkomafont{element} commands (for a full list of customizable elements, see Chapter 3.6 of the Koma-Script guide). Suggested font collections:


The title page template is taken from the thesis-umich.cls derivation of rac.sty.


Latex Ph.D. thesis template for the University of Michigan





