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A simple drawer component based on Vue.js and used on Web docs here


npm install ch-drawer --save


import Vue from 'vue';
import ChDrawer from 'ch-drawer'
Vue.use(ChDrawer, { zIndex: 1000 });
// zIndex default value is 200


Attribute Type Accepted Values Description Default
visible Boolean Should drawer component be displayed support .sync notation false
area String/Number Drawer's area, if Drawer is horizontal mode it will effect width proporty, otherwise it will effect heightproporty, when area is number type it define the area by pixels, when area is stringtype it define the area by z% '25%'
close-visible Boolean Should show close button true
mask Boolean Should masked drawer's container true
blur Boolean Should changedocument.body become blurry true
destroy-on-close Boolean Should destroy component in default slot,if set value to be true it will be destroyed after hidding drawer false
title String title string will inserted in header slot -
custom-class String Add a custom class on drawer container -
location String 'left'/'right'/'top'/'bottom' Describe which direction should drawer popup 'left'
escap-on-press Boolean When press esc should close drawer true
escape-on-click Boolean When click on container(outside of the drawer) should close drawer true
before-close Function If set, close process will be halted, function accept next to keep close process continue -
open Trigger when drawer open -
opened Trigger when drawer open animation is finished -
close Trigger when drawer close -
closed Trigger when drawer closed animation is finished -
header Slot Slot which named header -
default Slot Default slot on drawer's content -
footer Slot Slot which named footer -