Ayano is API platform for sharing links.
- User
- Admin
Features that we handing
- Authentication
- Submit link
- Update link
- Show link
- Delete link
- Listing Links
- Profile User
bundle install
bin/rails db:migrate
bin/rake db:seed
bin/rails server
username: pquest
password: kelapa
username: user#{1-50}
password: kelapa
We using JWT JSON token for authentication.
"jwt": "your_token_here"
Then, using token for your request in headers following ref
Authorization: Bearer <token>
This feature for adding your link to database.
If your link is saved or success api will response your blog object.
"blog": {
"title": "Beberapa tips menulis CSS yang baik",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/1.html"
if your link is not saved or having something expected errors.
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "You haven't authentication, please login before you request this"
Updating your link. Just user actor can use this feature, admin actor can't.
If your blog has successfully updated, it will be response the updated blog object.
"blog": {
"title": "Pengantar CSS",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/2.html"
If your request has expected error, it will response error message.
"code": 404,
"message": "Your link not found, maybe it's been deleted"
I love API with simple response.
If response is success.
"blog": {
"title": "Pengantar CSS",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/2.html"
If request has expected error.
"code": 404,
"message": "Link not found"
If response is success.
"username": "pquest"
Pretty cute, right?
User actor and admin actor can use this feature.
If your link was deleted, it will be return deleted object.
"blog": {
"title": "Pengantar CSS",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/2.html"
If your link wasn't deleted, it will be return error message.
"code": 403,
"message": "Sorry, you haven't permission to do this."
It will be return with pagination with ten items per page.
"blog": {
"title": "Pengantar CSS",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/2.html"
Returning their information
"username": "pquest"
Returning their blogs
"blogs": [
"title": "Pengantar CSS",
"url": "your.link.blog.moe/2.html"
Ayano project use MIT license.
You will be free to download, reviews and also use the code for anyhing purposes.