I am building a lottery app just for FUN and to solidify my Springboot and Java knowledge - keep it from being rusty. However since this is a hobbyist app, it is not entirely built for production, although in some part I attempt keep it as best practise as possible
It uses:
- Springboot
- Spring Data JPA for mongodb
- Docker - mongodb and mongoexpress
GSON and selenium- jsoup
It has an admin and an app part. All interactions are via REST endpoints. Admin part serves to scrap the results from the various lottery companys' website.
Damacai and Magnum both exposes their results in json thus all calls are make via requestTemplate whereas Toto does not and thus needs to be scrap using selenium
For Toto, we are using JSOUP instead of selenium jsoup. Previously Selenium was use but the simplicity of setting up JSOUP is preferred over selenium. Infact, I like how jsoup have so many different helper methods to extract the elements and the text(s) from the elements.
In creating the endpoint for scraping by year, jsoup was also use in some instances to get the list of drawDates and drawNumbers
WHAT IS DONE: Endpoint to scrap based on date Endpoint to scrap based on year Endpoint to get json of the result by date
example http://localhost:8082/api/v1/{PROVIDER}/actions/scrap?date=20231115
Where provider is a path variable can be replace by either MAGNUM, DAMACAI or TOTO date is a parameter and must enter in the format YYYYMMDD drawDate = YYYYMMDD
If installed properly with docker compose setup and after successfully ran scarp endpoint, One should see 2 collections
Here's an example of the Damacai Result collection of document
WIP: endpoint to generate csv per drawdate
TODO: endpoint to generate csv by year
Goal is have the capabilities to create a dataset that can be use for machine learning