Changes as of 14 June:
- Added DockerFile for local deployment to Docker container
DISCLAIMER: This project is based upon freecodecamp's boilerplate URL Microservice project implementation. Most of the structure is already there except, the implementation of post and get. Modifications were also made to the view, UI interactions, and a swagger based doc was added to the project as well for API documentation
This project is hosted in,
To be able to run the application LIVE, head over to the link above, and click on the 'RUN' button.
Once the message shows
"listening on port 3000", copy and paste the following url to your browser address box, ''
The URL Shortener microservice application should look like as shown below
To visit the API documentation, head over to
The API documentation uses Swagger that follows Open API Specification (OAS) V3.0 standards
The API endpoints works within Postman / curl call, and has also been integrated with the UI front-end of the current application itself.
The application uses MongoDB as a backend NoSQL db.