Asynchronous urequests for micropython. Optional urequests class to make usable synchronously.
Tested on MicroPython v1.21.0-dirty on 2023-10-11; Pimoroni Badger2040W 2MB with RP2040
Extension of parsing for non-chunked response, introduce reading content length and catch edge case. Little code rewrite and (hopefully) optimizations.
Original desciption below:
Requires uasyncio V3.
to import synchronously (normal) :
from async_urequests import urequests as requests
to import asynchronously:
import async_urequests as requests
Default HTTP version is 1.0, to change HTTP version do:
requests.HTTP__version__ = "1.1"
supported HTTP methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE.
Returns response with the following properties:
content, status_code, reason, url, text, headers, encoder.
json from response by calling json() method:
supports headers
supports params
supports HTTP & HTTPS.
supports Chunked data.
supports redirects:
supports timeout, default timeout set to 10 seconds.
Raises ConnectionError on any socket errors and TimeoutError on timeouts. To catch errors: requests.ConnectionError & requests.TimeoutError.
supports custom ports:
r = requests.get("")
*tested with Plex Server
Known Issues:
- "memory allocation failed" occurs when reading large responses, will raise a ConnectionError.