Our project is a motivational to-do-list with a couple of unique features, we added these features so that it will make the user have an easier time to keep in track of their time management. The app’s end goal is to provide a healthy lifestyle and environment for the user’s experience, with tools such as the add-to-do feature, log-book feature, notification feature, and the points feature to keep the user’s experience clean, unique, and fun.
We want to make sure that the user’s experience is as friendly and unique as possible, which is why we added the points and ranks feature. Once the user can complete the task, the application will keep track of the number of tasks that the user has completed to provide them a rank indicating their hard work. These ranks also are written in such a way that will motivate the user to keep working harder.
Android 5.1 and up
- minSdkVersion
- targetSdkVersion
You need the Adobe XD to open an XD file.
Custom config
- Config build variants
- Follow the Android build instruction at Build your app from the command line
Default config
- Use our default config
- Tools > SDK Manager or click SDK Manager ()
- Install the Android SDK with target API Level in the
Prerequisites > targetSdkVersion
You can run this project by install the release apk file on your device.
Using emulator:
- In Android Studio, click Sync Project with Gradle Files.
- Update Android Studio if it asks you to update
- Run
- Anh Pham
- Anh Pham
- Trung Tin Vo
- Guan Li
- Desiree Baube