- Wikipedia HTML dump
- Language
File format: JSON list. Each line is a json object of
title: wikipedia title
wikidata: wikidata ID
url: the url that link to Wikipedia page
index: the index of table in the Wikipedia page
html: html content of table
caption: table caption
aspects: (Hierachy sections of Wikipedia)
python wtabhtml.py dump -l cr
python wtabhtml.py gen-images -l cr -n 3
Note: User can download our preprocessed dumps then, copy all {LANGUAGE}.jsonl.bz2 (the wikitables dump in PubTabNet format) to wtabhtml/data/models/wikitables_html_pubtabnet
to generate photo images faster.
If user want to re-run all pipeline, the tool will download Wikipedia HTML dump, extract wikitables, and dump it to wtabhtml/data/models/wikitables_html_pubtabnet\{LANGUAGE}.jsonl.bz2
file as the following pipeline.
# Download dump
python wtabhtml.py download -l cr
# Parse dump and save json file
python wtabhtml.py parse -l cr
# Read dump
python wtabhtml.py read -l 1 -i ./data/models/cr.jsonl.bz2
# Generate images
python wtabhtml.py gen-images -l cr -n 3
Phuc Nguyen (phucnt@nii.ac.jp