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Function naming conventions

Ellis Hughes edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 3 revisions

Exported {valtools} functions follow a prefix naming convention to group functions by activity and facilitate auto-complete, as recommended in the ROpenSci Packaging guide

  • vt_scrape_: scrape from .Rmd/.md files into R data objects for including in summary tables, e.g. NEWS, coverage matrices
  • vt_kable_: convert R data objects into kableExtra or knitr_kable code suitable for dropping into an RMD chunk asis
  • vt_doc_: generate specification and test case coverage files for use with vt_scrape_
  • vt_shiny_: call a shiny app for interactive user acceptance testing
  • vt_run_: run code for side effects e.g. execute test code.
  • vt_use_: Create a new item, similar to devtools::use_test
    • vt_use_spec
    • vt_use_test_case
    • vt_use_test_code
    • vt_use_validation_report
  • vt_use_validation - Create validation skeleton to contain validation items and artifacts
  • vt_create_package - Wrapper for devtools::create_package and vt_use_validation
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