There are a couple of ways to add some dependencies in sublime.
- Add the dependency to the dependencies.json, which needs to be in the package control channel
- Vendoring
If the package imports all are relative you just need to add it to the _pieces_lib directory otherwise, you will need to use vendoring tool. Download it from GitHub not pip pyproject.toml
destination = "_pieces_lib"
requirements = "vendor.txt"
namespace = "Pieces._pieces_lib"
protected-files = ["README.rst", "vendor.txt"]
patches-dir = "tools/vendoring/patches"
These are the configurations that need to be inserted in the pyproject.toml, You also need to update the vendor.txt for the dependencies that you need to add as in the example.
Sometimes you will need to create a patch file to resolve some import issues that can’t be done via the tool, you will add the patch to the dir defined in the pyproject.toml in this case it will be “tools/vendoring/patches”
To begin vendoring you should do the following:
vendoring sync
To update the current lib:
vendoring update
Now on sublime, you will need to do
from ._pieces_lib import pieces_os_client
Instead of
import pieces_os_client