See also the Social Search Hybrid mobile app repository.
- Scala REST back-end layer + one-click heroku deployment script
- Hybrid HTML5+JS Mobile app + build scripts
- Mobile client integration with back-end layer (with simple authentication)
- Cordova integration + build scripts
- Back-end integration with external RESTish services
- Simple back-end storage (key-value store)
- Very simple server-to-client notifications (no need for websockets/long-polling at this stage)
##Follow these steps to get started:
- Git-clone this repository.
- Change directory into your clone.
- Launch SBT: $ sbt
$ git clone
$ cd social-search
$ sbt
sbt commnads: test, re-start, re-stop.
Type in sbt re-start your app should now be running on localhost:8080.
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open