sigomk1: Codes for calculating the equation of state for dense nuclear matter in a relativistic mean field (RMF) formalism The main file is SigOmRho.cc, with the headers SigOmRhoFunc.hh (holds the relevant functions to be solved/integrated), SigOmRhoInt.hh (holds a seperate integrator for each recurring integral) and CONSTANTSandCONVERSIONS.hh (my usual header that contains the relevant conversions for working with natural units or those of GeV^-1 or fm (distance, time) and GeV or fm^-1 (energy)). This code only has the minimal particle content of a nucleon doublet and electrons (for charge neutrality). Future versions of the code will have muons (no taus, as they are too unstable and are hardly populated) and hyperons.[1] There are also early iterations of my codes for DM capture and for calculating the effect of DM on the EoS of dense nuclear matter. [2]
This code was written following the analytic calculations in Compact Stars (second edition) by N. K. Glendenning.
- [1] For these updated EoS codes, see https://github.com/pilambdaepsilon/dminns
- [2] The updated versions of these DM related codes can be found in https://github.com/pilambdaepsilon/dminns