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Working on the non-linear dynamics section of my Double Pendulum App

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Extension of the Double Pendulum App.

Development of the Chaos page tasks:

  1. Extend the DoublePendulum class to DoublePendulumSubclass... capable of instantiating a set of DoublePendulum objects, iterating over a range of initial conditions.

    • Subclasses will be developed separately, each one responsible for a different feature; Poincaré maps, Lyapunov exponents, Bifurcation diagrams, Data collation etc...
  2. Write a data dictionary in JSON format of all angles, velocities, momenta and positions.

  3. Host this data as a PostgreSQL DB on a cloud server (aiming for

  4. Instead of deriving a double pendulum system 'on-the-fly', we will pull data from the database with simple slicing queries.

Pendulum Models


Directory Structure

├── BackUps/
├── Images/
├── JSONdata/
├── Notebooks/
│   │   ├── AnalysisData/
│   │   └── DataAnalysisNBs/
│   │       ├── ResourceDataAnalysis.ipynb
│   │       └── TerminationDataAnalysis.ipynb
│   ├── DevelopmentSubClass.ipynb
│   ├── JSONTest.ipynb
│   ├── PoincareEnsemble.ipynb
│   └── PoincareSections.ipynb
├── PendulumModels/
│   ├──
│   └──
└── requirements.txt

1. The DoublePendulumExplorer subclass extends DoublePendulum

This subclass aims to plot Poincaré return maps with either $\theta_1$ or $\theta_2$ constrained to zero

Variable declaration:

import sympy as sp

l1, l2, m1, m2, M1, M2, g = sp.symbols('l1 l2 m1 m2 M1 M2 g', real=True, positive=True)

# Declare functions
theta1 = sp.Function('theta1')(t)
theta2 = sp.Function('theta2')(t)
p_theta_1 = sp.Function('p_theta_1')(t)
p_theta_2 = sp.Function('p_theta_2')(t)

# Set Unity Parameters for dimensionless pendulums
params = {
    g: 9.81,  # Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    l1: 1.0,  # Length of the first rod (m)
    l2: 1.0,  # Length of the second rod (m)
    m1: 1.0,  # Mass of the first bob (kg)
    m2: 1.0,  # Mass of the second bob (kg)
    M1: 1.0,  # Mass of first uniform rod (kg)
    M2: 1.0   # Mass of second uniform rod (kg)

# Time vector
stop = 30  # max time in seconds
fps = 800  # frames/second
no_steps = stop * fps

time = [0, stop, no_steps]


simple_explorer = DoublePendulumExplorer(params, time, model='simple', angle_range=(-np.pi, np.pi),
                 fixed_angle='theta1', step_size_degrees=0.5)
  • Default angle_range is $[-\pi, \pi]$
  • $V_{\text{max}} \implies \mathcal{H}$ is calculated from the largest absolute value of angle_range
  • fixed_angle denotes which of $\theta_{1}$ or $\theta_{2}$ to constrain to zero
  • If step_size_degrees is set to 1, there will be 360 simulations for angle_range $= [-\pi, \pi]$
# Integrator Arguments
integrator_args = {
    'rtol': 1e-7,    # default is 1e-3
    'atol': 1e-9     # default is 1e-6

# Finding the Poincaré Points
simple_explorer.find_poincare_section(integrator=solve_ivp, fixed_angle=None, analyze=False, **integrator_args)

# Plotting a Poincaré Map
simple_explorer.plot_poincare_map(self, special_angles_deg=None, xrange=(-np.pi, np.pi), yrange=None)

If analyze=True, we collate computational cost data in .csv format (See

  • Ironically, this analysis increases computational load by about 40% 🤦‍♂️
  • This will be extended to collate data on the numerical integration

With looser rtol and atol defined in integrator_args, solve_ivp introduces small errors at each step that accumulate over time, leading to points that are slightly off from their true positions.

  • Tighter tolerances hopefully reduce this drift at the expense of computational load. We want an accurate representation of the system’s dynamics and we want it in a 'reasonable runtime`. These parameters are mutually exclusive

Notebook experimentation has aimed to optimise the right combination of parameters. The images below have been produced with:

  • 30 second time interval, 800 frames per second $=$ 24,000 integration steps
  • 0.125 step_size_degrees
  • rtol $= 10^{-6}$
  • atol $= 10^{-8}$



Batch Processing in _run_simulations

Calling find_poincare_section calls a private method of the subclass.

  • Batch Size: run_simulations allows you to specify the batch_size (currently hardcoded at 80), which determines how many simulations are run in parallel in each batch.
    • This allows the system to manage CPU and memory usage more effectively, preventing any single batch from consuming too many resources at once.
  • Parallel Processing: Within each batch, the simulations are run in parallel using the joblib.Parallel and joblib.delayed functions. This takes advantage of multiple CPU cores, speeding up the computation by distributing the workload.

This subclass aims to plot Poincaré return maps with random combinations of $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ and is based on a biased Monte Carlo ensemble method.


  • Introduction of mechanical energy to constrain the system:
  • Random sampling
  • Optimizing _solve_ode for early termination if a simulation diverges

Quantitative analysis of the global system will inform the bias. Initially, it appears that selecting floats in radians completely at random introduces far too much noise.

c. DoublePendulumSubclassLyapunov, work in progress ...

  • Have started writing the base methods to collate data.
  • The data dictionaries appear to be quite good!

  • Reading in the JSON data using Pandas (Will maybe swap for Polars once DB launched)

Further Reading and Tools:


Working on the non-linear dynamics section of my Double Pendulum App






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