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The Scaffold Command (before v0.12)

Dave Jeffery edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 1 revision

There are three different path/url types that you can use to scaffold a new website. They are:

pingy scaffold <alias>

This is an alias from the scaffold registry, e.g.. bootstrap. The scaffold registry is at:

pingy scaffold <git url>

The git repo can be hosted anywhere, it doesn't need to be on GitHub. This is a valid git URL: This is not a valid git URL: (you can use the shorthand below instead).

pingy scaffold <shorthand github url>

A shorthand GitHub URL can be in the form of user/repo or user/(pingy-scaffold-). So, you can use pingyhq/pingy-scaffold-bootstrap-jumbotron or if your repo begins with the prefix pingy-scaffold-, then you can reference it like so pingyhq/bootstrap-jumbotron. Both will resolve to

pingy scaffold <absolute local path>

An absolute path on the local filesystem. Example: /Users/dave/code/pingy-scaffolds/bootstrap-jumbotron.

What happens when you scaffold from a git repo?

Pingy will clone the repo to ~/.pingy/scaffolds when it is first used. If you use the same scaffold again it will pull the repo to make sure that you are always scaffolding using the latest version of the repo.