Subdirectories/files are as follows:
- Code: contains all code.
- Data: will contain preprocessed data (note this is not included due to storage constraints)
- Data/Raw: folder to store all collected abstracts (kept empty to due to storage contraints)
- Weights: contains fitted RBM/DBM models (only final DBM model stored here atm)
In order to reproce results or train DBM on neurosynth abstract corpus run the following scripts: 1. collect abstract text, cleans text and stores in incidence matrix 2. selects architecture of each layer by comparing log-likelihood on validation dataset. Pretrains RBMs for each layer 3. applies DBM training algorithm to pretrained layers
Note that step 1 can be skipped (cleaned data is provided in data folder). The final DBM employed is also saved in the Weights folder ("DBM_50_50_Full.p")
The following (non-standard) libraries are required:
- - used to collect abstracts from PUBMED API
- textmining ( - used to build term incidence matrix
- nltk ( - used for stopwords Note that these library are only required for the text collection and cleaning ( and can be ignored if this step is skipped
Below we provide some examples from the trained DBM model:
import os
import cPickle as pickle
from softmaxRBM import *
from dropoutRBM import *
from DBM import *
# load in pretrained weights:
dbm = pickle.load(open("Weights/DBM_50_50_Full.p", "rb"))
# one step reconstruction:
print dbm.oneStepRecon("fear")
## ['fear' 'amygdala' 'response' 'activity' 'functional' 'responses' 'cortex' 'brain' 'regions' 'activation']
# embed a document:
text = "At the forefront of neuroimaging is the understanding of the functional architecture of the human brain. In most applications functional networks are assumed to be stationary, resulting in a single network estimated for the entire time course. However recent results suggest that the connectivity between brain regions is highly non-stationary even at rest."
print dbm.embedDoc(doc=text.split(" "))
# similarly we can embed a single word, for example:
print dbm.embedDoc(doc="fear")