This package provides a python interface to PISA's Common Index File Format Import/Export toolset, which is written in Rust.
Converting CIFF to PISA:
pyciff.ciff_to_pisa(input_file, output, generate_lexicons)
is the input CIFF file.output
is the basename of the output PISA canonical files.generate_lexicons
is a Boolean flag; if True, the.termlex
files will be created.
Example (using the toy CIFF file stored in this repo):
$> cd tests
$> python -c "import pyciff; pyciff.ciff_to_pisa('toy-complete-20200309.ciff', 'my-pisa-files', False)"
----- CIFF HEADER -----
Version: 1
No. Postings Lists: 9
Total Postings Lists: 9
No. Documents: 3
Total Documents: 3
Total Terms in Collection 16
Average Document Length: 5.333333333333333
Description: Export of toy 3-document collection from Anserini's io.anserini.integration.TrecEndToEndTest test case
Processing postings
[00:00:00] [========================================] / (0s)
Processing document lengths
[00:00:00] [========================================] / (0s)
$> ls my-pisa-files.* my-pisa-files.documents my-pisa-files.freqs my-pisa-files.sizes my-pisa-files.terms
Converting PISA to CIFF:
pyciff.pisa_to_ciff(collection_input, terms_input, titles_input, output, description)
is the basename of the (canonical PISA) collection.terms_input
is a newline delimited file containing a single term per line (the first line is the 0-th postings list).titles_input
is a newline delimited file containing a single document identifier per line (the first line is the 0-th document identifier).output
is the name of the CIFF file to output.description
is stored inside the CIFF blob, and can be used to describe the collection/parsing/etc.
Example using the example files created previously:
# Still working in `tests` directory
$> python3 -c "import pyciff; pyciff.pisa_to_ciff('my-pisa-files', 'my-pisa-files.terms', 'my-pisa-files.documents', 'my-new.ciff', 'My example description')"
Collecting posting lists statistics
[00:00:00] [========================================] / (0s)
Computing average document length
[00:00:00] [========================================] / (0s)
Writing postings
[00:00:00] [========================================] / (0s)
$> ls my-new.ciff
To upload to Pypi:
docker run --rm -v (pwd):/io konstin2/maturin publish -r -u USER -p PASSWORD
To upload to Test Pypi:
docker run --rm -v (pwd):/io konstin2/maturin publish -u USER -p PASSWORD