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Created during the first B360R070N session.

c4p2n (Call For Paper To Notion) is a webhook to submit dasta about the talk from TypeForm to our Notion.


Use Docker to run c4p2n.

First, build an image from the project root:

docker build -t %TAG_NAME% .

where %TAG_NAME% is something you'd like to tag your Docker image.

Now, you're go to go, run it:

docker run -it -d --name %CONTAINER_NAME% -p %PORT%:8000 %TAG_NAME%

where %CONTAINER_NAME% is something you'd like to name your Docker container, %PORT% is a port you want to publish the app on, and %TAG_NAME% is the tag name from the previous step.

This way you can run c4p2n as a separate app, proxy it with nginx or do anything one can with a web application.

We run it in a FaaS fashion on kintohub


Install dependencies

We use Poetry for dependencies management.

To install dependencies from the project root run:

poetry install


For development purposes, you can skip the Docker part to not to bother with all those fancy production accoutrements, and just use the run script:


where WORKERS_NUM and PORT are optional and so far positional arguments, so, beware.

If you want to reduce the overhead even more you can run the app with uvicorn:

uvicorn c4p2n.api:app

Now the app is up and running and you can find the OpenAPI schema at http://localhost:8000/redoc for redoc and http://localhost:8000/docs for swagger.

Lint and format

Currently we use mypy and black.


TODO link to


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