SpanBot is an app that helps Spanish teachers to design tasks for learners
The goal of this project is to make a web application that generates random sentences in Spanish using a Context Free Grammar.
You can see an example here and edit the code
I want to develop this to make it into a useful tool for a working Spanish teacher.
Sentence Builders are a commonly used tool in contemporary high school / secondary school language classrooms. In particular due to the work of Gianfranco Conti and his advocacy for Narrow Reading and Narrow Listening in language teaching.
What is a Sentence Builder? Find out here:
What is Narrow Reading? Find out here:
Language teachers following this model often need to generate numerous examples of a language pattern using a narrow range of chunks of language. These 'narrow texts' are laborious to write and there is a lack of published tasks designed in this way for teachers to use.
A bot that can produce Narrow Texts would be a useful tool for a language teacher.
SpanBot is a narrow text generator.
Use Case 1 - I want to generate six random texts from a sentence builder to use in a piece of language task design.
Use Case 2 - I want to randomly generate 1 text live on the smart board during a lesson for use in live lesson tasks.
Use Case 3 - I want to set homework using SpanBot that helps students to memorise lexis from a sentence builder.
Disclaimer: This is my first github project and first piece of software. I'm an amateur creative coder with very rudimentary knowledge of P5.JS.