Global empirical models for tropopause height determination
The models were developed at the Dom Luiz Institute (IDL), Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), by Pedro Mateus (, Virgílio Mendes ( and Carlos Pires ( The same code is available in two programming languages, Matlab and Python. The following code contains guidelines for running each of these codes.
Matlab example code to call the lookup-table-model (BTH) function
lat = 38.5519; % latitude, in degrees [-90..90] (can be an array)
doy = 150; % day-of-year [1..366] (can be an array, same size as lat)
pvu = 3.5; % PVU value [1.5..3.5] (optional, not an array)
z = bth_model(lat, doy, pvu)
Matlab example code to call the sigmoid-model (STH) function
z = sth_model(lat, doy, pvu)
Python code to call the lookup-table-model (BTH) function
lat = 38.5519; # latitude, in degrees [-90..90] (can be an array)
doy = 150; # day-of-year [1..366] (can be an array, same size as lat)
pvu = 3.5; # PVU value [1.5..3.5] (optional, not an array)
z = bth_model(lat, doy, pvu)
Python example code to call the sigmoid-model (STH) function
z = sth_model(lat, doy, pvu)
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by email
For details see: Mateus, P.; Mendes, V.B.; Pires, C.A.L. Global Empirical Models for Tropopause Height Determination. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4303.