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Food Diary is a free, open-source, and lightweight web app for simple calorie and weight tracking


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Food Diary


Food Diary is a free, open-source, and lightweight web app for simple calorie and weight tracking. It was initially created in 2018 to help the author address personal health challenges caused by being overweight.

While it doesn't fully replace popular commercial calorie and weight tracking apps, Food Diary offers essential features as a free alternative for people who care about their health and well-being.

Curious to see how the app works? View the demo app here.

Table of contents


  • Calorie tracking
  • Weight tracking
  • Personal food database with products and their nutritional values
  • PWA and multi-device support
  • AI-powered food recognition from photos
Food Diary app mobile screen showing daily calorie tracking interface with meal entries and nutritional summary Food Diary app mobile screen showing weight tracking interface with chart and weight logs
Food Diary app desktop screen showing daily calorie tracking interface with meal entries and nutritional summary


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd food-diary

Setup Google OAuth 2.0 client you will use for sign in:

Create a copy of .env.example file and save it as .env:

cat .env.example >> .env

Fill your credentials, then run:

docker-compose up -d

Navigate to https://localhost:8080


Setting up the entire app (Frontend and Backend)

Before starting, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

Start PostgreSQL database container:

docker run -p 5432:5432 --name postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=FoodDiary \
    -d postgres:15.1-alpine

Start PgAdmin if you need it (optional):

docker run -p 5050:80 --name pgadmin -e "" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=postgres" -d dpage/pgadmin4

Fill necessary secrets:

dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "Auth:AllowedEmails:0" "<your_email>"

dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "ConnectionStrings:Default" "<your_db_connection_string>"

# Optional, used in recognize note by photo feature
dotnet user-secrets --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API set "Integrations:OpenAI:ApiKey" "<your_OpenAI_api_key>"

Run database migrations:

dotnet run --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.Migrator

Start Web API:

dotnet run --project src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API

Start frontend application (in separate terminal window):

cd src/frontend
yarn start

Navigate to https://localhost:8080

Setting up Frontend with mocked auth and API

If you'd like to work on the frontend without running the backend, you can use mocked authentication and API responses.

Before starting, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

Navigate to the frontend directory:

cd src/frontend

Create local env config:

touch env.local

Fill env.local with these values:


For the full list of environment variables, see the Frontend environment variables section.

Launch the frontend application:

yarn start

Navigate to http://localhost:5173. The app will now use mocked responses for authentication and API calls.

Frontend environment variables

The following environment variables are available for configuring the frontend:

Name Type Description
VITE_APP_API_URL string Specifies a backend API base URL without a trim slash, e.g. https://localhost:8080
VITE_APP_AUTH_CHECK_INTERVAL number Specifies the auth status check interval in milliseconds to ensure that users with expired cookies will not be able to use the application without refreshing the page in the browser. Not used if VITE_APP_FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED is true
VITE_APP_DEMO_MODE_ENABLED boolean Enables demo mode. In demo mode, some features related to file system or external integrations are disabled
VITE_APP_FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED boolean Setups fake authentication flow without using a backend server and OAuth Identity provider. Used for local development
VITE_APP_FAKE_AUTH_LOGIN_ON_INIT boolean Defines whether the user is authenticated by default when using a fake authentication flow. Used for local development
VITE_APP_MSW_ENABLED boolean Enables mockServiceWorker to intercept and mock all API requests. Used for testing or local development purposes
VITE_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ENABLED boolean Enables Google Analytics
VITE_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_MEASUREMENT_ID string Measurement (data stream) ID for Google Analytics
VITE_APP_MOCK_API_RESPONSE_DELAY number Sets delay (in milliseconds) before all mock API responses. Not used if VITE_APP_MSW_ENABLED is false

Managing database migrations

To create a new migration, run the following command:

dotnet ef migrations add SampleMigrationName \
    -s src/backend/src/FoodDiary.API \
    -p src/backend/src/FoodDiary.Infrastructure \
    -o Migrations


For any issues, suggestions, questions, or contribution guidance, please open a GitHub issue or reach out to



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The project is licensed under the AGPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more information.