Archdiffer is a web service for generic archive comparison. The main purpose is to compare different versions of software packages in order to simplify version verification.
The web is written in Flask, the comparison tasks are managed using Celery. Archdiffer is extensible by plugins. So far, only plugin rpmdiff for comparing RPM packages is implemented.
Screenshots: comparisons, differences
If you only want to try out Archdiffer without installation, for example during development, see Quict Start.
Otherwise, see Deploying Archdiffer.
To quickly try out Archdiffer (one system, sqlite database, no installation or configuration), follow these steps:
- Download the Archdiffer git repository:
$ git clone
- Go to the project directory:
$ cd archdiffer
- Install dependencies:
$ sudo dnf install rabbitmq-server python3-sqlalchemy python3-flask python3-flask-restful python3-flask-openid python3-celery python3-dnf python3-rpm rpmlint
- Start rabbitmq server:
$ sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
- Initialize database:
$ ARCHDIFFER_CONFIG=debug.conf python3
$ ARCHDIFFER_CONFIG=debug.conf python3
- Start Archdiffer worker and flask-frontend (on background or in separate terminals):
$ ARCHDIFFER_CONFIG=debug.conf python3 -m archdiffer.backend worker
$ ARCHDIFFER_CONFIG=debug.conf python3
(If you don't wish to run Archdiffer in debug mode, set DEBUG = False in debug.conf)
Archdiffer consists of two parts, flask-frontend and backend, and can be therefore installed on two separate systems.
To run archdiffer, you need to set up:
database that is supported by SQLAlchemy (in some cases you will also need to install some additional dependencies, for example python3-psycopg2 for postgresql) - however, do not use sqlite, as it doesn't support write concurrency
message broker that is supported by Celery (for example RabbitMQ)
HTTP server - for example Apache (requires httpd and python3-mod_wsgi), archdiffer provides .wsgi file and .conf file for Apache
Either install separately frontend and backend:
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer-flask-frontend
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer-backend
Or install both at once:
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer
Then install all desired plugins, for example plugin rpmdiff:
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer-plugin-rpmdiff
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer-plugin-rpmdiff-flask-frontend
$ sudo dnf install archdiffer-plugin-rpmdiff-backend
Change configuration file:
Configure archdiffer-worker to automatically start on boot:
$ sudo systemctl enable archdiffer-worker
If you are running Apache and have SELinux in enforcing mode, you need to allow Apache to connect over HTTP for OpenID authentication:
$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
Initialize database:
$ sudo /usr/libexec/archdiffer/init_db
Initialize database for all desired plugins, for example rpmdiff:
$ sudo /usr/libexec/archdiffer/init_db_rpmdiff
Start backend:
$ sudo systemctl start archdiffer-worker
Start your web server. For example for apache:
$ sudo systemctl start httpd
Schema for archdiffer:
Schema for archdiffer + plugin rpmdiff:
An example of very basic plugin is the example_plugin
in the plugins directory.
To add new plugin, simply add a module in the plugins directory with submodules named flask_frontend
and worker
If there is a module named flask_frontend
directly in plugin.some_plugin
, it will be imported by flask-frontend. You can create blueprints and define views, and then register the blueprints to extend the flask application. Example:
from ...flask_frontend.flask_app import flask_app
blueprint = Blueprint('example_plugin', __name__, template_folder='templates')
@blueprint.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return render_template('example_plugin_index.html')
flask_app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/example_plugin')
If there is a module named worker
directly in plugin.some_plugin
, it will be imported by backend. In this module, you can define celery tasks. Example:
from ...backend.celery_app import celery_app
def example_task():
The name for the task should be a unique string, so it is recommended to use the plugin name as prefix.
To send tasks, you will also need to define celery app in the frontend (importing the app from backend would also work, but in that case it wouldn't be possible to have backend and frontend on two different systems). Example:
from celery import Celery
celery_app = Celery(broker=config['common']['MESSAGE_BROKER'])
Sending tasks:
If the plugin implements some type of comparison, you can extend the database with necessary tables and add new comparison type to an existing table named comparison_types
. The name of the type must be unique.
In order to show your comparison type on the Archdiffer's web site:
- Register blueprint with url_prefix=<comparison_type_name>.
- Register view named
in this blueprint.
MIT © Pavla Kratochvílová