Simulation code for manuscript accepted by Magn Reson Med (Early view - 2015):
This repository contains the IDL code to reproduce the results, figures and tables in the manuscript, a portable library of core algorithms, and a preprint of the manuscript ( "Linear_2CM.pdf").
Set your IDL search path (preferences) to the folder "Linear-2CM", and include all its subfolders.
Change the path in the procedure to the folder where you want to store the results.
Compile and run the procedure "".
This will create all figures and tables at 10.000 simulations, which may take several hours. To generate a less precise set of results in a shorter time, set the parameter "nSim" in "" to a smaller number, eg. 100 or 1000.
"figures_and_tables": The code for the individual figures and tables. They can all be compiled and run separately.
"measurement": The code to generate the data (AIF, exact tissue concentrations and measured concentrations)
"model_fitting": Core library with model fitting routines (LLS and NNLS) for both models 2CXM and 2CFM. This also contains the package "mpfit" by C. Markwardt, included with permission.
"output": Default folder for storing output (initialised with final figures and tables).