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The space of memory management research and systems produced by the PLASMA lab (

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The Memory Management Landscape

Memory Map

The diagram above presents a conceptual map of many of the memory-management related projects from the PLASMA @ UMass lab. This work is all joint work with colleagues and grad students (primarily Charlie Curtsinger, Kathryn McKinley, Gene Novark, Bobby Powers, and Ben Zorn).

-- Emery

GC vs. malloc

OOPSLA 2005, Matthew Hertz & Emery Berger

TL;DR - Answers an age-old question: is GC faster/slower/the same speed as malloc/free? Result: GC can run as fast as malloc, but requires 3-5X more space to do so

talk slides: PowerPoint, PDF, SlideShare

Garbage collection yields numerous software engineering benefits, but its quantitative impact on performance remains elusive. One can compare the cost of conservative garbage collection to explicit memory management in C/C++ programs by linking in an appropriate collector. This kind of direct comparison is not possible for languages designed for garbage collection (e.g., Java), because programs in these languages naturally do not contain calls to free. Thus, the actual gap between the time and space performance of explicit memory management and precise, copying garbage collection remains unknown.

We introduce a novel experimental methodology that lets us quantify the performance of precise garbage collection versus explicit memory management. Our system allows us to treat unaltered Java programs as if they used explicit memory management by relying on oracles to insert calls to free. These oracles are generated from profile information gathered in earlier application runs. By executing inside an architecturally-detailed simulator, this “oracular” memory manager eliminates the effects of consulting an oracle while measuring the costs of calling malloc and free. We evaluate two different oracles: a liveness-based oracle that aggressively frees objects immediately after their last use, and a reachability-based oracle that conservatively frees objects just after they are last reachable. These oracles span the range of possible placement of explicit deallocation calls.

We compare explicit memory management to both copying and non-copying garbage collectors across a range of benchmarks using the oracular memory manager, and present real (non-simulated) runs that lend further validity to our results. These results quantify the time-space tradeoff of garbage collection: with five times as much memory, an Appel-style generational collector with a non-copying mature space matches the performance of reachability-based explicit memory management. With only three times as much memory, the collector runs on average 17% slower than explicit memory management. However, with only twice as much memory, garbage collection degrades performance by nearly 70%. When physical memory is scarce, paging causes garbage collection to run an order of magnitude slower than explicit memory management

  • Cited by Chris Lattner as support for using reference counting (vs. GC) in Swift.


Making malloc scale

ASPLOS 2000, Emery Berger, Kathryn McKinley, Robert Blumofe, and Paul Wilson

TL;DR - first truly scalable malloc

talk slides: PowerPoint, SlideShare - low resolution

Hoard talk slides

Video: Memory Management for High-Performance Applications, Emery Berger (covers Hoard, Heap Layers, and Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation)

Video: Memory Management for High-Performance Applications, Emery Berger


ASPLOS Most Influential Paper Award, 2019: Parallel, multithreaded C and C++ programs such as web servers, database managers, news servers, and scientific applications are becoming increasingly prevalent. For these applications, the memory allocator is often a bottleneck that severely limits program performance and scalability on multiprocessor systems. Previous allocators suffer from problems that include poor performance and scalability, and heap organizations that introduce false sharing. Worse, many allocators exhibit a dramatic increase in memory consumption when confronted with a producer-consumer pattern of object allocation and freeing. This increase in memory consumption can range from a factor of P (the number of processors) to unbounded memory consumption.

This paper introduces Hoard, a fast, highly scalable allocator that largely avoids false sharing and is memory efficient. Hoard is the first allocator to simultaneously solve the above problems. Hoard combines one global heap and per-processor heaps with a novel discipline that provably bounds memory consumption and has very low synchronization costs in the common case. Our results on eleven programs demonstrate that Hoard yields low average fragmentation and improves overall program performance over the standard Solaris allocator by up to a factor of 60 on 14 processors, and up to a factor of 18 over the next best allocator we tested.

  • first truly scalable (general-purpose) memory allocator for multiple CPUs
  • provably limits excess memory (blowup)
  • acts to prevent false sharing
  • algorithm incorporated into Mac OS X allocator and IBM allocator (with lock-free extensions)
  • in continuous development since 1999, continues to be one of fastest general-purpose allocators

Heap Layers: building high-performance allocators

PLDI 2001, Emery Berger, Ben Zorn, Kathryn McKinley

TL;DR - introduces Heap Layers, fast and flexible infrastructure for building allocators

talk slides: SlideShare

Heap Layers talk slides

article by Andrei Alexandrescu, C/C++ Users Journal, 2005


Current general-purpose memory allocators do not provide sufficient speed or flexibility for modern high-performance applications. Highly-tuned general purpose allocators have per-operation costs around one hundred cycles, while the cost of an operation in a custom memory allocator can be just a handful of cycles. To achieve high performance, programmers often write custom memory allocators from scratch – a difficult and error-prone process.

In this paper, we present a flexible and efficient infrastructure for building memory allocators that is based on C++ templates and inheritance. This novel approach allows programmers to build custom and general-purpose allocators as “heap layers” that can be composed without incurring any additional runtime overhead or additional programming cost. We show that this infrastructure simplifies allocator construction and results in allocators that either match or improve the performance of heavily-tuned allocators written in C, including the Kingsley allocator and the GNU obstack library. We further show this infrastructure can be used to rapidly build a general-purpose allocator that has performance comparable to the Lea allocator, one of the best uniprocessor allocators available. We thus demonstrate a clean, easy-to-use allocator interface that seamlessly combines the power and efficiency of any number of general and custom allocators within a single application._

  • C++ infrastructure - a "grammar" - for building fast memory allocators
  • library of "mixin layers" (each an example of the curiously recurring template pattern), allowing heaps to be composed out of reusable blocks
  • turns out that this approach gives C++ compilers vastly more opportunities to do inlining, yielding better code than monolithic allocators!
  • I re-wrote Hoard to use Heap Layers (resulting in an immediate 15% perf improvement with no algorithmic changes); all subsequent allocator work described below also uses Heap Layers

Reaps + empirical analysis of custom allocators

OOPSLA 2002, Emery Berger, Ben Zorn, Kathryn McKinley

TL;DR - empirical study showing most custom allocators are a waste of time and space

slides: SlideShare

Reconsidering talk slides

source (in Heap Layers repo):

OOPSLA Most Influential Paper 2012: Custom memory management is often used in systems software for the purpose of decreasing the cost of allocation and tightly controlling memory footprint of the software. Until 2002, it was taken for granted that application-specific memory allocators were superior to general purpose libraries. Berger, Zorn and McKinley’s paper demonstrated through a rigorous empirical study that this assumption is not well-founded, and gave insights into the reasons why general purpose allocators can outperform handcrafted ones. The paper also stands out for the quality of its empirical methodology.

  • detailed empirical study intended to answer the question, do custom memory allocators improve performance?
  • compared to general-purpose allocators via API-compatible wrappers written with Heap Layers
  • results:
    • most custom allocators did not deliver when compared to a state-of-the-art general-purpose allocator (at the time, the Lea allocator, a variant of which is in GNU libc to this day)
    • exception: regions (a.k.a. arenas, pools). Regions in principle can achieve asymptotic improvements (O(1) or O(log n) frees instead of O(n)), and allocation is fast. However, memory waste also can be high (when a few objects tie down the whole region)
    • new region-heap hybrid: reaps. bump pointer allocation augmented with a freelist. allows for fast reclamation en masse, fast allocation, and still enables reuse. Algorithm rolled into Hoard.
  • cited by members of the C++ Standards Committee to support the incorporation of polymorphic memory resource (std::pmr) allocators into the C++17 standard library

Compacting memory allocation for C/C++ (!)

PLDI 2019, Emery Berger and Bobby Powers

TL;DR - plug-in malloc that compacts memory safely in C/C++, where this was thought to be impossible

video of talk:

Mesh, Strange Loop 2019

Mesh, CppCon 2019


Programs written in C/C++ can suffer from serious memory fragmentation, leading to low utilization of memory, degraded performance, and application failure due to memory exhaustion. This paper introduces Mesh, a plug-in replacement for malloc that, for the first time, eliminates fragmentation in unmodified C/C++ applications. Mesh combines novel randomized algorithms with widely-supported virtual memory operations to provably reduce fragmentation, breaking the classical Robson bounds with high probability. Mesh generally matches the runtime performance of state-of-the-art memory allocators while reducing memory consumption; in particular, it reduces the memory of consumption of Firefox by 16% and Redis by 39%.

  • in theory, you can't compact memory in C/C++ programs, because you can't relocate objects (since you can't tell what a pointer is, you can't adjust pointers)
  • BUT: you can compact memory physically (reducing footprint) without altering virtual addresses
  • to avoid pathological cases, use a fast O(1) randomizing allocator with shuffle vectors that randomly distribute objects on a full page (contrast with DieHard and friends, which require extra memory to operate efficiently)
  • it's fast, scalable, and saves memory automagically
  • segregates metadata from the heap, which also improves locality - each cache line basically only contains data

Fault tolerant heaps

Improving reliability in the face of user memory errors (buffer overflows, use-after-free) via a randomizing allocator

PLDI 2006, Emery Berger and Ben Zorn

TL;DR - a malloc that makes programs with memory errors likely to work

slides: SlideShare, PowerPoint

DieHard talk slides

Video whiteboard interview of Ben Zorn discussing DieHard and RobustHeap

PLDI 2016 Most Influential Paper: The PLDI 2006 “DieHard” paper by Emery Berger and Benjamin Zorn introduced the concept of probabilistic memory safety (for unsafe languages such as C/C++) through three main techniques: (1) randomization of object placement in the heap; (2) overprovisioning of the heap to provide expected gaps between objects; (3) optional replication of processes to enable even greater fault tolerance. This approach was shown to provide protection against a variety of memory errors, including dangling pointers and buffer overflows, as formalized mathematically and evaluated empirically. By fully randomizing heap object locations in memory – effectively pushing address-space layout randomization to the individual object level – DieHard also makes systems more resilient to attack. Variations of DieHard were implemented on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. The Windows implementation directly influenced the Fault Tolerant Heap of Windows 7 and the Windows 8 user-mode heap allocator.

  • insight: by randomizing the placement and reuse of heap objects within a larger-than-required heap, you can get probabilistic memory safety - make a program with bugs like heap overflows or use-after-free run correctly with high probability
    • weird fact: as long as objects are near the size of cache lines, this is "ok" for locality; if not, not (especially for systems with non-hierarchical TLBs), where spreading out objects can increase the TLB footprint and seriously degrade performance. this is less of an issue with modern processors.
  • if you are really crazy, you can run multiple versions of code linked with DieHard, and have them vote on the results! this further increases reliability in the face of errors.
  • first practical (O(1) execution time) randomized heap, using the moral equivalent of hash table probing of a bitmap to find free objects
  • as stated above, directly influenced several allocators implemented by Microsoft (where I have spent numerous summers as a visiting researcher)

Extreme fault tolerance

ASPLOS 2008, Gene Novark, Emery Berger and Ben Zorn

TL;DR - DieHard on steroids: uses virtual memory to effectively isolate all objects

video : ASPLOS presentation by Gene Novark

Archipelago, ASPLOS

Memory errors are a notorious source of security vulnerabilities that can lead to service interruptions, information leakage and unauthorized access. Because such errors are also difficult to debug, the absence of timely patches can leave users vulnerable to attack for long periods of time. A variety of approaches have been introduced to combat these errors, but these often incur large runtime overheads and generally abort on errors, threatening availability.

This paper presents Archipelago, a runtime system that takes advantage of available address space to substantially reduce the likelihood that a memory error will affect program execution. Archipelago randomly allocates heap objects far apart in virtual address space, effectively isolating each object from buffer overflows. Archipelago also protects against dangling pointer errors by preserving the contents of freed objects after they are freed. Archipelago thus trades virtual address space—a plentiful resource on 64-bit systems—for significantly improved program reliability and security, while limiting physical memory consumption by tracking the working set of an application and compacting cold objects. We show that Archipelago allows applications to continue to run correctly in the face of thousands of memory errors. Across a suite of server applications, Archipelago’s performance overhead is 6% on average (between -7% and 22%), making it especially suitable to protect servers that have known security vulnerabilities due to heap memory errors.

  • Archipelago is basically DieHard on steroids: make sure that every object is — while it is "hot" — occupying a page (or pages) that are vastly far apart from any other object in virtual address space
  • catches buffer overflows (by assigning overflowed pages to that object) and saves freed objects in case they are later needed
  • When objects haven't been allocated, they are "compacted" into cold storage until they are needed, thus keeping memory footprint under control
  • Not great for CPU intensive apps! But it works fine for servers that are mostly I/O-bound

Bug-Fixing heaps

Automatically correcting memory errors

PLDI 2007 (CACM Research Highlight, 2008), Gene Novark, Emery Berger, Ben Zorn

TL;DR - uses statistical inference to isolate and repair memory errors

Technical perspective by Martin Rinard

Slides: SlideShare

Exterminator talk slides

Source code in DieHard repo

Programs written in C and C++ are susceptible to memory errors, including buffer overflows and dangling pointers. These errors, which can lead to crashes, erroneous execution, and security vulnerabilities, are notoriously costly to repair. Tracking down their location in the source code is difficult, even when the full memory state of the program is available. Once the errors are finally found, fixing them remains challenging: even for critical security-sensitive bugs, the average time between initial reports and the issuance of a patch is nearly one month.

We present Exterminator, a system that automatically corrects heap-based memory errors without programmer intervention. Exterminator exploits randomization to pinpoint errors with high precision. From this information, Exterminator derives runtime patches that fix these errors both in current and subsequent executions. In addition, Exterminator enables collaborative bug correction by merging patches generated by multiple users. We present analytical and empirical results that demonstrate Exterminator’s effectiveness at detecting and correcting both injected and real faults.

  • key insight: randomizing the heap causes memory errors to have different effects
  • you can do statistical inference over the heap contents to pinpoint the kind and source of errors, and then synthesize patches - payloads that the allocator uses for subsequent allocations - that repair the error

Secure memory allocation

CCS 2010, Gene Novark, Emery Berger

TL;DR - A secure malloc that is resilient to a variety of attacks

Slides: SlideShare

DieHard talk at Microsoft Research

source in DieHard repo:

Heap-based attacks depend on a combination of memory management errors and an exploitable memory allocator. Many allocators include ad hoc countermeasures against particular exploits, but their effectiveness against future exploits has been uncertain.

This paper presents the first formal treatment of the impact of allocator design on security. It analyzes a range of widely-deployed memory allocators, including those used by Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, and shows that they remain vulnerable to attack. It then presents DieHarder, a new allocator whose design was guided by this analysis. DieHarder provides the highest degree of security from heap-based attacks of any practical allocator of which we are aware, while imposing modest performance overhead. In particular, the Firefox web browser runs as fast with DieHarder as with the Linux allocator.

  • people build secure allocators but don't really know if they are providing any actual improvements in security
  • presents an analytical framework that makes it possible to evaluate allocators with respect to a general and powerful adversary
  • we find that DieHard is close, but had algorithmic characteristics (both policy & mechanism) that make it ineffective against certain attacks
  • DieHarder significantly enhances the security of DieHard, making it the most secure allocator to date
  • the analysis and design of DieHarder directly influenced design decisions made in the Windows 8 heap

Performance analyzability

Sound performance analysis

ASPLOS 2013, Charlie Curtsinger and Emery Berger

TL;DR - repeatedly randomizing objects in memory enables sound performance analysis

Slides: SlideShare

Stabilizer talk slides

See also this Strange Loop 2019 presentation by Emery Berger

Performance Matters talk slides

Source code (note: bit rot means it no longer works with new versions of LLVM):

Stabilizer is a compiler and runtime system that enables statistically rigorous performance evaluation. Stabilizer eliminates measurement bias by comprehensively and repeatedly randomizing the placement of functions, stack frames, and heap objects in memory. Random placement makes anomalous layouts unlikely and independent of the environment; re-randomization ensures they are short-lived when they do occur. Using Stabilizer, we find that, across the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite, the effect of the -O3 optimization level versus -O2 is indistinguishable from noise.

  • performance can be dramatically impacted by where things end up in memory (globals, stack, heap, and code) because caches and so on depend on memory addresses
  • this means a performance regression or an improvement might be a complete accident which will go away if you add one more line of code or one more malloc (or even change environment variables!)
  • Stabilizer repeatedly randomizes memory layout of running programs - including a heap allocator that shuffles pointers using an incremental variant of the Fisher-Yates shuffle. This repeated randomization makes execution times independent of layout, letting us do sound statistical analysis of performance
  • we use this to see if -O3 actually has a statistically significant impact on a range of programs, vs. -O2. it doesn't.

Randomness for performance prediction

Using Randomized Caches in Probabilistic Real-Time Systems, ECRTS 2009

PROARTIS: Probabilistically Analysable Real-Time Systems, TECS 2013

Probabilistic Timing Analysis on Conventional Cache Designs, DATE 2013

TL;DR - randomization of layout makes it possible to soundly bound probabilistic worst-case execution time

These papers show that using randomization of memory layouts - either in software or the hardware - can lead to predictable and analyzable worst-case performance (probabilistic worst-case execution time) by using Extreme Value Theory (in the same way that Stabilizer showed that it can lead to predictable average-case performance by leveraging the Central Limit Theorem).


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