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Wall follower - an evolutionary programming experiment with adjustable parameters, implemented in Common LISP. Educational software.


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Evolutionary programming in LISP
educational software inspired by Nils. J. Nilsson
March 16, 2000
(c) 2000 Jan A. Plaza

This file is part of Wall-Follower-Evolutionary-Programming. Wall-Follower-Evolutionary-Programming is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Wall-Follower-Evolutionary-Programming is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wall-Follower-Evolutionary-Programming. If not, see

Copy this entire directory to your account.

If on a UNIX/Linux system with GNU Common LISP (clisp) installed, in a shell, change to this directory and type type at the shell prompt:


then read carefully and follow instructions on the screen.

You can also start the program from any Common LISP listener:

 > (load "main")

The program is inspired by the discussion of evolutionary programming in Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Inteligence: A New Synthesis.

The program provides multiple options for setting up different evolutionary programming experiments and observing the pace of evolution.

An agent in a grid world senses its immediate surroundings (in 8 directions) but has no memory of the past, and performs a step in one of the 4 cardinal directions. Goal: evolve an agent which finds a wall and continues moving following the wall.

More information in and in the messages the program prints while running.

Here is a sample session.

linux$ start

An agent in a grid world repeatedly senses its immediate surroundings,  
has no memory of earlier positions, and makes a step. This program tries to   
evolve an agent which finds a wall and continues moving along the wall.  

To change the evolutionary process parameters, edit parameters.lsp - type: (e)  
To start the evolution, type: (start)

[1]> (start)


2022-05-19 16:51:13  

*evaluation-method* = EVALUATE-D
*score-calculation* = SCORE2
*random-agent-generator* = RANDOM-AGENT2
*agent-size* = 3
*population-size* = 5000
*tournament-size* = 7
*survive-percent* = 10
*crossover-percent* = 89
*mutation-percent* = 1
*only-best-survive* = NIL
*crossover-operation* = CROSSOVER2
*mutation-operation* = MUTATION2

Agents are evaluated on scale 0..100. The following listing gives 
generation number, CPU time, number of agents with the perfect score of 100,
average score, and percentiles from 100 (best score) to 0 (worst score):
for instance, 53 under the header of 70 means that 
an agent with a score 53 is better than 70% of agents. 

To pause, press enter and wait until program completes current cycle.
You will be able to look at the current generation and then restart.

Gen    Time  Prf Avg   100  90  80  70  60  50  40  30  20  10   0
  0    0.23    0  13    69  31  22  17  14  11   8   6   3   0   0
  1    0.43    0  27    81  44  39  33  31  28  22  19  17   8   0
  2    0.65    0  37    75  56  50  44  42  39  36  33  25  17   0
  3    0.87    0  46    92  64  58  56  53  50  44  42  33  22   0

To see hints how to continue, type: (h)

[2]> (h)

The values of parameters of this experiment and its statistics are saved 
in file log.txt. If parameters *min-best-agents-saved* and 
*max-perfect-agents-saved* are non-zero, another file, log.dat contains best 
agents, together with the starting time of the experiment, generation numbers 
and fitness scores. The starting time can be used for cross referencing.

While still in the Lisp listener you can test the data produced by this 
evolution process. Arrays *previous-generation* and *current-generation* 
contain agents sorted with respect to fitness results, from highest to lowest. 
Array *fitness-data* corresponds to *current-generation*;
sorry, no fitness results for previous generation. 
To see agents from *current-generation*, type (agent N) where N is 1, 2,...
To see agents from *previous-generation*, type replace N by -1, -2, ...
To run the best agent, type:  (run-agent (agent 1))
To save the best agent in file log.dat, type: (save-agent (agent 1))

You can change the parameters of this process either by using setq in the Lisp
listener or by calling function (e), editing the file and reloading.
If *population-size* has been increased, restart option is not available.

To restart the evolution process, type: (re-start)
To start a new experiment, type: (start)

[3]> (agent 1)

 ((AND (AND (AND (OR (NOT *N*) (NOT *NE*)) (OR *SE* (NOT *SW*))) *SE*)
   (OR *E* (NOT *SE*)))
 ((AND *S* (AND *W* (NOT *E*))) #\s)
 ((AND (OR (OR (AND (NOT *N*) *SE*) (OR (NOT *E*) *W*)) *S*)
   (OR (NOT *N*) *NW*))
 (T #\n))

[4]> (run-agent (agent 1))

###   #   ###
##    #    ##
#           #
#           #
#           #
###.      ###
#...        #
#.         x#
##    #    ##
###   #   ###

This agent, in 36 possible situations makes:
33 moves clockwise along the wall,
 0 moves counter-clockwise along the wall,
 1 moves getting away from the wall, and
 2 moves trying to push against the wall.

Fitness on scale 0..100: 
 21 -- counting different cells at the wall the agent visited (evaluate-c),
 21 -- counting steps which ended at the wall (evaluate-s).
 96 -- normalized( clockwise - counterclockwise )
 92 -- normalized( | clockwise - counterclockwise | )
 92 -- normalized( clockwise - counterclockwise - away - against )
 92 -- normalized( | clockwise - counterclockwise | - away - against )

[5]> (re-start)


Agents are evaluated on scale 0..100. The following listing gives 
generation number, CPU time, number of agents with the perfect score of 100,
average score, and percentiles from 100 (best score) to 0 (worst score):
for instance, 53 under the header of 70 means that 
an agent with a score 53 is better than 70% of agents. 

To pause, press enter and wait until program completes current cycle.
You will be able to look at the current generation and then restart.

Gen    Time  Prf Avg   100  90  80  70  60  50  40  30  20  10   0
  4    1.10    0  52    92  69  67  64  61  56  53  47  39  25   0
  5    1.33    0  57    97  75  72  69  67  64  61  53  42  28   0
  6    1.59    0  63    97  83  78  75  72  69  67  58  50  33   0
  7    1.83    0  69    97  89  86  83  81  78  72  64  53  33   0
  8    2.08    1  74   100  92  89  89  86  83  78  69  58  39   0

To see hints how to continue, type: (h)

[6]> (e p)

;; You can modify parameters in this file.
;; For advanced experiments, modify agents.lsp.


(defparameter *evaluation-method* 'evaluate-d)
;; Use 'evaluate-c or 'evaluate-s or 'evaluate-d. 
;; 'evaluate-c counts different visited *c*ells at the wall. 
;; 'evaluate-s counts *s*teps which ended at the wall. See evaluate.lsp.
;; 'evaluate-d evaluates *d*ecisions made by agent in 36 possible situations.

(defparameter *grid-world-file* "world1.dat")
;; Use "world1.dat" or "world2.dat" or create your own grid world file.
;; This is used by evaluate-c, evaluate-s and run-agent.

(defparameter *tours* 1) 
;; Use a positive integer.
;; That many tours of an agent will count while calculating agent's fitness.
;; This is used by evaluate-c, evaluate-s and run-agent.

(defparameter *tour-length* 56) 
;; Use positive integer.
;; This is used by evaluate-c, evaluate-s and run-agent.

(defparameter *score-calculation* 'score2)
;; Use 'score1, 'score2, 'score3, 'score4 or define your own method.
;; This is used with evaluate-d.

;; To calculate the score we use the following parameters.
;; clockwise         - number of clockwise moves along the wall.
;; counter-clockwise - number of counter clockwise moves along the wall.
;; away              - number of times agent moved away from the wall.
;; against           - number of moves when agent pushes against the wall.
;; Their values are obtained by testing the agent in 36 possible situations.
;; The functions below turn these 4 values into a single score 0..100.
;; (The second line in every function definition is a documentation string.)

(defun score1 (clockwise counterclockwise away against)
  "nmalized( clockwise - counterclockwise )"
  (declare (ignore away against))
  (/ (+ 36 (- clockwise counterclockwise)) 0.72)

(defun score2 (clockwise counterclockwise away against)
  "normalized( | clockwise - counterclockwise | )"
  (declare (ignore away against))
  (/ (abs (- clockwise counterclockwise)) 0.36)

(defun score3 (clockwise counterclockwise away against)
  "normalized( clockwise - counterclockwise - away - against )"
  (/ (+ 36 (- clockwise counterclockwise away against)) 0.72)

(defun score4 (clockwise counterclockwise away against)
  "normalized( | clockwise - counterclockwise | - away - against )"
  (/ (+ 36 (- (abs (- clockwise counterclockwise)) away against)) 0.72)


(defparameter *random-agent-generator* 'random-agent2)
;; Use 'random-agent1 or 'random-agent2 defined in agents.lsp
;; or define your own function.

(defparameter *agent-size* 3) 
;; Use positive integer.
;; This is max height of randomly generated trees representing
;; Boolean expressions which are used in the definition of an agent.


(defparameter *population-size* 5000) 
;; Use positive integer.


(defparameter *tournament-size* 7) 
;; Use positive integer. 
;; Agent is always selected in a tournament with that many random participants.


(defparameter *survive-percent*   10)
(defparameter *crossover-percent* 89)
(defparameter *mutation-percent*   1)
;; Use non-negative numbers which add up to 100.

(defparameter *only-best-survive* nil) 
;; Use nil or t. 
;; If nil, winers of tournaments with randomly selected agents will survive.

(defparameter *crossover-operation* 'crossover2)
;; Use 'crossover1 or 'crossover2 defined in agents.lsp
;; or define your own function.

(defparameter *mutation-operation* 'mutation2)
;; Use 'mutation1 or 'mutation2 defined in agents.lsp
;; or define your own function.

;; Make sure that you are using operations compatible with the
;; structure of the agents produced by *random-agent-generator*.


(defparameter *min-best-agents-saved* 0)
;; Use a natural number not bigger than *population-size*.

(defparameter *max-perfect-agents-saved* 1)
;; Use a natural number not bigger than *population-size*.

;; This program saves top agents in file log.dat.
;; For every generation, the program saves *min-best-agents-saved* best agents;
;; if all these agents have a perfect score of 100 and there are more such 
;; agents, the program will continue saving them up to a total of
;; *max-perfect-agents-saved*  

;; Notice that different evaluation functions may disagree on what agent
;; deserves the score of 100, so the meaning of "perfect" is relative.



Wall follower - an evolutionary programming experiment with adjustable parameters, implemented in Common LISP. Educational software.








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