Basic backup of /home
to /mnt/backup_drive
docker run -d --name rsync-backup \
--volume /home:/home \
--volume /mnt/backup_drive:/backup \
--volume /mnt/rsyncbackup/log:/log \
--volume /mnt/rsyncbackup/rclone:/rclone \
-env CONTAINER_TIMEZONE=Europe/Stockholm \
-env BACKUP_HOLD=15 \
-env SERVER_ID=docker \
For full used all ENVS
docker run -d --name rsync-backup \
--volume /home:/home \
--volume /mnt/backup_drive:/backup \
--volume /mnt/rsyncbackup/log:/log \
--volume /mnt/rsyncbackup/rclone:/rclone \
-env CONTAINER_TIMEZONE=Europe/Stockholm \
-env BACKUP_HOLD=15 \
-env SERVER_ID=docker \
The container can then be stopped with docker kill rsync-backup
For use on a normal machine, use the latest
Folder to backup to read
folder for backup to store
After sync from /home it will create automatically tar files from the folder
folder for backup logs ( rsync and tar logs )
folder to store your rclone config
for automatically upload to your gsuite
It will automatically read if gdrive or gcrypted can used
for storing your backup on your GSuite Account
It will also read when no rclone config is in the folder
then it will only create the tar files
The backup can be configured using the environment variables, as show in the examples. Here is a full list of the variables, default values and uses.
BACKUPDIR ("/home"):
Directory path to be archived. Usually remote or a mounted volume.
SSH_PORT ("22"):
Change if a non-standard SSH port number is used.
SSH_IDENTITY_FILE ("/root/.ssh/id_rsa"):
Change to use a key mounted from the host.
ARCHIVEROOT ("/backup"):
It's good to mount a volume at this path. A folder structure like this will be created:
└── each subfolder
Semicolon separated list of exclude patterns. Use the format
described in the FILTER RULES section of the rsync man page. A limitation
is that semicolon may not be present in any of the patterns.
CRON_TIME ("0 1 * * *"):
The time to do backups. The default is at 01:00 every night.
You can choose any timezone you want , for find the correct timezone
In your case ( sudo cat /etc/timecone )
Remove older Backups from GDrice or GCrypt
if you have multiple servers, this is advantageous
for the assignments at the end.
this starts from 1 - 9. higher compression levels use more resources, The default is 2
you can set a dicord webhook , when all is done ; means backup and upload
it will send a note per Webhook to your discord server
basic is "null"
you can set any jpg/jpeg/png image as discord user image
basic is ""
you can set any name what you want
basic is "BACKUP"
THIS IS A Work In Progress
in the end this means that there could be updates daily to weekly, as well as possible errors or the like,
Add a GitHube Issuses.