This bot is part of the #OBAW project - Week 0x0005 - Salesforce
A Salesforce-powered bot for the DreamHouse sample application using Recast.AI NLP
Follow the instructions below to create your own instance of the bot:
If you haven't already done so, follow these instructions to install the DreamHouse sample application.
If you haven't already done so, follow the steps below to create a Salesforce connected app:
In Salesforce Setup, type Apps in the quick find box, and click the Apps link
In the Connected Apps section, click New, and define the Connected App as follows:
- Connected App Name: MyConnectedApp (or any name you want)
- API Name: MyConnectedApp
- Contact Email: enter your email address
- Enabled OAuth Settings: Checked
- Callback URL: http://localhost:8200/oauthcallback.html (You'll change this later to your Heroku URL at step 3)
- Selected OAuth Scopes: Full Access (full)
- Click Save
Make sure you are logged in to the Heroku Dashboard
Click the button below to deploy the Messenger bot on Heroku:
Fill in the config variables as described.
- For SF_CLIENT_ID, enter the Consumer Key of your Salesforce Connected App
- For SF_CLIENT_SECRET, enter the Consumer Secret of your Salesforce Connected App
- For SF_USER_NAME, enter the the username of your Salesforce integration user
- For SF_PASSWORD, enter the the password + your secret token of your Salesforce integration user
- For LANGUAGE, enter 'en'
- For REQUEST_TOKEN filled at step 4
Time to replace the callback URL from your Salesforce app to your Heroku URL
- Make sure you are logged in to your Recast.AI account
- Follow this link Salesforce DreamHouse bot and fork the bot to your account
- Copy paste your
bot request access token
in the Config Variables section of your Heroku app toREQUEST_TOKEN
- Go to your RUN tab
- Click the Bot Connector tab and follow instructions to add a Messenger channel
- Once it's done at the top set your Current bot webhook to :
- Heroku URL + /webhook (
- You're all set !
- Implement
in salesforce.js when client select a house - Enrich the bot to understand more small talk intents
- Implement
for recommendations
PE Lieb @liebpe
You can follow us on Twitter at @recastai for updates and releases.
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