Phone numbers can be bought from the “Phone numbers” Tab of Plivo Console
Create a new XML Application from Voice Tab. Add “Primary answer URL” and “Hangup URL”
Attach this XML application with the Phone number and Update the number
Install ngrok and run
ngrok http 8080
- Search for Available Numbers (if you don't already know which one to buy): Replace {AUTH_ID} with your Plivo Auth ID, {AUTH_TOKEN} with your Plivo Auth Token
curl -i -X GET "{AUTH_ID}/PhoneNumber/?country_iso=US&type=local" \
- Create XML application: Replace {AUTH_ID} with your Plivo Auth ID, {AUTH_TOKEN} with your Plivo Auth Token and update “answer_url” and “hangup_url”
curl -i -X POST{AUTH_ID}/Application/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "app_name": "Voice-Bot", "answer_url": "", "answer_method": "GET", "hangup_url": "", "hangup_method": "POST" }'
"api_id": "9d55ab63-ccf1-498e-89f3-6deb4b9a3c85",
"app_id": "16525344707489756",
"message": "created"
- Buy a Phone Number: Replace {AUTH_ID} with your Plivo Auth ID, {AUTH_TOKEN} with your Plivo Auth Token, and {phone_number} with the number you want to purchase {APP_ID} from previous response
curl -i -X POST "{AUTH_ID}/PhoneNumber/{phone_number}/" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"app_id": "{APP_ID}"}'
The following XML creates a bidirectional audio stream and records the call: Store the XML file as stream.xml, which can be later used on the server.
<Record action="" redirect="false" recordSession="true" maxLength="3600" />
<Stream bidirectional="true" streamTimeout="120" contentType="audio/x-mulaw;rate=8000" keepCallAlive="true" statusCallbackUrl="">wss://</Stream>
Dial to the phone number purchased in the Plivo, It gets connected to the Audio stream, you will hear your audio back.
To Make the outbound call, Use the phone number purchased in the Plivo as the caller-ID or FROM number and dial to your number in one of the following ways.
Make outbound call using curl: Replace {AUTH_ID} with your Plivo Auth ID, {AUTH_TOKEN} with your Plivo Auth Token, and {PLIVO_NUMBER} with the number purchased from Plivo {DIAL_NUMBER} to number you want to dial
curl -i -X POST{AUTH_ID}/Call/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"to": "{DIAL_NUMBER}","from": "{PLIVO_NUMBER}", "answer_url": "", "answer_method": "GET"}'
Or make call using script makecall.js, Update, auth_id, auth_token, from, to and answer_url in the script