Module 3 Challenge by Panfilo Marbibi
Pybank: Resources: budget_data.csv analysis: FinancialAlaysis.txt -- reads csv file in Resources folder and analyzes the data. -- outputs total number of months in csv -- outputs total profit -- outputs the average change from month to month -- outputs the greatest increase in profits along with the month associated with it -- outputs the greatest decrease in profits along with the month associated with it -- creates and writes results into a text file in the analysis folder
PyPoll: Resources: election_data.csv analysis: EkectionResults.txt -- reads csv dile in Resources folder and analyzes the data -- outputs total number of ballots in the file -- outputs each unique candidate in the file along with the percentage of votes won, and the number of votes won per unique candidate -- outputs the winner based on the candidate that received the most votes -- creates and writes results into a text file in the analysis folder
structure for 'for loops,' opening, reading, and writing files were modeled after activities done in class. variables also copied from activities.