git init - inicia o repositório
git remote / git remote -v - manage set of tracked repositories -v stands for verbose
git status - vê o que foi added e o que não foi
git add filename - adiciona o filename para fazer commit
git add . - adiciona tudo para fazer commit
git commit -a -m "message" -a -> shortcut se quisermos fazer commit logo de ficheiros modified, não de new files.
git commit -am "message" - shortcut do supramencionado.
git commit -m "message" - fazer commit a aquilo que foi added. tem de ter mensagem que descreva o que foi commit ou o porquê do commit
git log - log os vários commits do repositório
heroku --version - check if instaled
heroku login
heroku create or heroku create name
git push heroku master - remote name is heroku, to connect git with heroku, so he can run the code
heroku open - opens the link of our app
heroku logs - view server logs
npm install --production - only instals dependencies
npm install - install all dependencies and devDependencies
firebase.database() - access database funcionalities of the firebase module
.ref() - reference to a specific part of the database. If no arguments are provided, ref points to the root (expensify-b9ec9-default-rtdb)
.set() - set value for the ref. Accepts any data type - string, number.. etc. It's assynchronous, has to send data to server. while doing that, it reads the next lines on the code
Can only do ONE resolve OR reject. If we pass two resolves, only the first will run.
Resolve: only takes one argument. If needed, pass an object with the properties. Reject: only takes one argument.
.then(()=>{}) - only fires for resolves. For rejects, throws a javascript error. to handle error, add .catch(()=>{})