A little Clojure jig for discovering, evaluating, and prototyping 3rd party Clojure and Java libraries, for eventual use in your own project(s), all from the REPL.
Important note: this started out as a little "weekend experiment" which quickly ran out of steam. These days you're better off looking at something like babashka + add-deps for a more comprehensive and battle-tested equivalent.
Clone the repo, then run:
$ clj -i init.clj -r
This will load some useful namespaces, display some help, the drop you in a REPL, ready to explore.
user=> (web/search-github "gravity")
user=> ; Browser opens, showing Clojure repositories on GitHub that match "gravity"
user=> ; pmonks/gravity catches our eye...
user=> (deps/search "pmonks/gravity" 10)
{:deps {clj-commons/multigrep #:mvn{:version "1.0.128"}, org.clojars.pmonks/multigrep #:mvn{:version "0.4.0"}, com.github.pmonks/multigrep #:mvn{:version "1.0.135"}}}
user=> ; Looks nice - let's load the library and have a play
user=> (def mg-deps (deps/search "multigrep"))
user=> (deps/load-deps mg-deps)
Downloading: clj-commons/multigrep/0.5.0/multigrep-0.5.0.pom from clojars
Downloading: clj-commons/multigrep/0.5.0/multigrep-0.5.0.jar from clojars
#object[clojure.core$future_call$reify__8477 0x4f9871a2 {:status :pending, :val nil}]
user=> ; What namespaces does it offer?
user=> (deps/nses mg-deps)
#:clj-commons{multigrep {:mvn/version "0.5.0", :deps/manifest :mvn, :parents #{[]}, :paths ["~/.m2/repository/clj-commons/multigrep/0.5.0/multigrep-0.5.0.jar"], :nses [multigrep.core]}}
user=> ; Lets make that a bit more readable...
user=> (for [[k v] (deps/nses mg-deps)] [k (:nses v)])
([clj-commons/multigrep [multigrep.core]])
user=> ; Require the library's core namespace...
user=> (require '[multigrep.core :as mg])
user=> ; Pull up the namespace's docstrings
user=> (docs/namespace 'multigrep.core)
([r f])
Returns a sequence of maps representing each of the matches of r (one or more regexes) in f (one or more things that can be read by clojure.io/reader).
Each map in the sequence has these keys:
:file ; the entry in f that matched
:line ; text of the line that matched
:line-number ; line-number of that line (note: 1 based)
:regex ; the entry in r that matched
:re-seq ; the output from re-seq for this line and this regex
([r s f] [r s f in-memory-threshold])
Applies r (a single regex) to f (one or more things that can be read by clojure.io/reader), substituting s (a string, or a function of one parameter (the match(es) from the regex) returning a string).
Returns a sequence of maps representing each of the substitutions. Each map in the sequence has these keys:
:file ; the entry in f that matched
:line-number ; line-number of the line that had one or more substitutions (note: 1 based)
The optional fourth parameter specifies at what file size processing should switch from in-memory to on-disk. It defaults to 1MB.
user=> ; Take the library for a spin...
user=> (mg/grep #"something" "/usr/share/dict/words")
({:file "/usr/share/dict/words", :line "something", :line-number 184879, :regex #"something", :re-seq ("something")} {:file "/usr/share/dict/words", :line "somethingness", :line-number 184880, :regex #"something", :re-seq ("something")} {:file "/usr/share/dict/words", :line "undersomething", :line-number 214685, :regex #"something", :re-seq ("something")})
user=> ^D
Copyright © 2021 Peter Monks
This work is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later. If this is problematic for you or your employer, feel free to reach out.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later